Really Simple Store’s Mission

Help Makers Make a Living

Drew Thomas
Really Simple Store
3 min readOct 16, 2018


Today Really Simple Store is just me, but when referring to it, I often use “we” and “us.” I’m the only one that works on the design and code, but everyone– the store owners, fans, supporters, and people on the waiting list– is part of Really Simple Store and the larger “us” that drives it all.

Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

Our mission

Our main goal from the start has been to help makers make a better living. Specifically, Really Simple Store exists to help people earn more income without spending more resources. The second part is equally as important as the first.

How we’re doing it

The first step we’re taking towards that goal is the platform itself. For $5 per month, makers can sell things online and accept credit card payment. There’s purposefully not a high monthly fee or a high percentage taken from each sale, yet stores get their own branded website and sales channels. The platform has purposefully limited options so that makers can be up and running in minutes, doing all of the right things to sell more products.

The second step is we’re creating a private network of stores that can sell for each other- on their sites and through other channels, like social media. Stores get access to additional inventory that they can use to attract and retain site visitors, but they don’t have to worry about holding the inventory or shipping. On the other side, they get paid-in-full orders through other vendors, without doing any work selling.

Our North Star metric

A north star metric is one single metric to measure a company’s progress. However, instead of something like “new users,” the north star metric goes deeper into what truly drives (or will drive) a business’s growth.

Really Simple Store’s north star metric is the average number of months a store stays open.

Our goal is to help makers earn more income without more resources, and part of that includes an ongoing effort to help stores do little, yet important, things that increase their chances of staying in business month after month.

Every feature and function that’s a part of Really Simple Store has been vetted based on how it will help makers and small businesses earn more income with less time and stay open for business longer.

What’s your biggest pain?

I’m building this for you. If you’re a maker or run a small business that sells things, what’s the biggest issue preventing you from starting or growing your ecommerce? What would it take to get you to switch platforms or actually sign up for one?

I’m not interested in building an idea that I had… I want to build something that people need that will help them do more of what they love. Please, email me!

If you like the idea, get on the waiting list at We’ll be starting a pre-launch referral program very soon!

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