The AI Revolution: Deep Learning and Its Impact on Business

Jaryd Sage
Realm Digital
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2023

Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as AI, has grown exponentially over the years, becoming an indispensable asset in multiple sectors. Among AI’s diverse branches, deep learning stands out as a revolutionary force that has evolved to be a tangible game-changer across industries. Its influence transcends traditional boundaries, offering unprecedented capabilities and creating value in ways previously unimagined.

The Rise of Deep Learning

Deep learning, a subset of AI, has been making waves in the tech world. It’s not just a buzzword anymore, it’s a game-changer. Inspired by the human brain’s architecture, deep learning has transitioned from the realm of science fiction into the fabric of our daily lives and business operations.

Deep learning relies on algorithms called neural networks, which can analyze vast amounts of data, recognise patterns, and predict outcomes without specific programming instructions. It’s like having a super-smart intern who doesn’t need to be told what to do. They just get it.

Deep Learning technology timeline

Deep Learning in Action: Real-World Applications

AI has rewritten operational playbooks across industries, offering a blend of efficiency, personalisation, and foresight. It’s like having a crystal ball that can also do your paperwork.

From retail to finance, healthcare to manufacturing, entertainment to agriculture, AI is revolutionising the way we do business. It’s not just about automating tasks, it’s about providing insights, optimising processes, and predicting trends.

Amazon’s Recommendation System

Amazon’s recommendation system provides tailored product suggestions to users. With collaborative filtering, it looks at the purchasing and browsing behaviors of users to find similarities and recommend products accordingly. If two users typically buy similar products, and one buys something new, that item might be suggested to the second user. Amazon also uses content-based filtering, examining product details like titles and descriptions to suggest items similar to what a user has shown interest in. Machine learning plays a big role, analysing vast data amounts to identify patterns, such as predicting if a user might click on a certain item based on their past actions. Real-time data processing ensures timely recommendations, adjusting to a user’s latest interests, while A/B testing optimises the system’s effectiveness. A hybrid of different techniques and considering contextual factors, like the user’s location or the time of day, refines the suggestions. User feedback, collected in real-time, further enhances the accuracy of these recommendations.

JP Morgan’s Contract Intelligence

JP Morgan Chase, the largest U.S. bank, has introduced an AI program named COIN (Contract Intelligence) that automates the review of legal documents. Previously, this task took employees, including lawyers and loan officers, 360,000 hours annually. Now, using deep learning, these tasks are done in mere seconds, reducing human errors in the process. The tool also offers insights into potential market shifts, allowing clients to make more informed investment decisions. COIN represents a larger shift towards automation in many industries, aiming to increase efficiency. Although some worry about job displacement due to automation, JP Morgan views it as an opportunity to allocate human resources to more valuable tasks. The bank’s move underscores the need for institutions to adapt to the automation era.

Transfer Learning: The Future of AI

In the vast expanse of AI’s capabilities, transfer learning emerges as a beacon. It’s the idea that experience gained while learning one task can aid performance on a related task. It’s like learning to ride a bike and then using those skills to learn to ride a motorcycle.

Transfer learning helps save time and money and is great for businesses that don’t have a lot of data. It also lets computer programs learn and update quickly, which is really useful in industries where trends are constantly evolving, like eCommerce. The best part? Even small businesses or ones in places with fewer resources can use AI because of transfer learning. It’s like the multi-tool in the AI toolbox.

Wrapping Up

From its evolutionary journey to its profound business applications, AI, and particularly deep learning, continues to reshape the business landscape. As we navigate this new world, understanding AI’s capabilities, potential pitfalls, and the promise of adaptive learning can guide us towards a future of innovation and unparalleled efficiency.

If you’re ready to harness the power of AI and deep learning to improve your business, LET’S CHAT. Our experts will find an ROI-driven solution tailored to your needs because, at the end of the day, our business is about helping you succeed.

