How much will I be charged? A guide to costing on Texter’s Realm

Moses Ndeda 'Subaru'
Realm Musings
Published in
3 min readMay 29, 2017
A shilling a day keeps the marketer away — Texter’s Realm costing/pricing —

At Texter’s Realm, we provide a simple dashboard to enable the average user send bulk SMS messages to their audience over the internet.

Achieving this goal requires interaction with the Telco operators and some airtime (handy).

But Texter’s Realm can be complex to navigate, especially when you have a couple of groups to text. Groups on Texter’s Realm have been covered in this previous post.

We are big fans of simplicity and transparency at Texter’s Realm. So much that we built a widget to assist our customers estimate their costs during the composition of a text message.

For beginners, Texter’s Realm rides on the Telco networks to send SMS messages.

Since we are currently covering Kenya, the local operators charge us 1 shilling for every sms message of 160 characters sent on their network, 2 shillings for above 161 characters but below 305 characters and so on. These are normal rates.

To keep the servers running at Texter’s Realm, we take a commission of 10 percent for every message of 153 characters sent to our platform i.e 10 cents for the non-math people out there. To arrive at our final bill, you just multiply 10 cents times the volume of contacts that will receive the message, then add this up to what the operators charge us, piece of cake right?
Not really, and we help our customers calculate this on the platform, this enables informed decisions on message length and even wording of the messages.

To expose this costing criteria to our customers, we built a widget that appears when the user is composing messages, ready to text their audience.

notice the order summary tab

This widget shows the break down detailing the quantity of messages to be sent, the cost, our commission and the final bill.

showing costing information when the message exceeds 160 characters, which is billed as two messages by the telcos

The widget is updated in real time as the marketer types away.

Our customers find this widget useful to better monitor their costs and take control of their airtime as well as how to word their SMS messages to achieve the most impact.

We hope you enjoyed this post and learnt a thing or two about how Texters Realm enables web based bulk messaging for average users.
Login to Texter’s Realm today to explore these and more features. Please let us know your thoughts in the comments section.

