Framework for Ideating our next game/brand

Marcus Eng Zhao Wei
Realm of Desires
Published in
4 min readNov 21, 2017

In Gasp Gasp entertainment, we ideate our next game/brand with this in-house framework call MY IDEA.

We also use this framework to ideate & document our game, Realm of Desires as well. The information documented down will be a draft story of why & how we started this project that can be shared on Kickstarter.

Here is an example of our documentation


Target Audience age group: 18–45

Target Audience Gender: Mainly males

Target Audience’s Interest:
Board game, Tabletop games, Fantasy war game, strategy game, turned based game, Kickstarter projects, crowdfunding

Target Audience Country: US, UK, Australia, Europe


Short description of your brand:
This is a strategy turned based game for 2–4 players set in the fantasy medieval era where Humans, Orcs, Elves and Dwarfs fight for their desires. Win the game by being the last one standing, balancing your attack and defence with diplomacy or deterrence. But…look out who might be slowly creeping in while you advance.

This game simply takes you 5min to learn and 30–60 mins of heart-pounding strategic deathmatch.

Backstory of the brand:

[Insert a link]

Concept artwork of the character
As we have not found an artist at that point of time, we curate a moodboard of images with the artstyle we are looking for in our game.

We like the artwork of Magic The Gathering a lot and think it will be a right fit to set a serious fantasy warfare tone for our game.


What’s your sources of inspiration

  • Chinese classic game, animals chess (Dou Shou Qi)
  • Dungeons & Dragons’ (D&D) modular tiles concept

How it inspired you to create this product

One fine day, Zen was sharing how much he missed playing Chinese classic game, animals chess (Dou Shou Qi) when he was young and wondering what if this game can be reimagined in a different concept with similar gameplay. This is how it all started!

For the characters, we want it to be a fantasy world like Warcraft where there are different races in war.

For the game mechanics, our sources of inspiration will definitely be Dou Shou Qi and mix it with Dungeons & Dragons’ (D&D) modular tiles concept. On top of it, we increase the depth of the game by creating original obstacles such as forest & mountains on top of existing Dou Shou Qi’s obstacles.Which overall creates a randomised and exciting battlefield everytime we play, forcing players to be flexible and plan their strategy quickly each time for different battlefield.


What do you think is unique about your product

Presently, we realise Dou Shou Qi is hardly heard of today but everyone remember it as a childhood classic. Some doesn’t even heard about it entire life. Hence, we find that there is a market to reimagine the game to suit westerners taste with westernise illustration in fantasy medieval era on top of a game mechanics that is test and proven to be fun and strategic since our parents era.

After testing the new mechanics for 4 players, we realise it is much more fun than 2 players. We can confidently say that our reimagination of the game is successful . As even a non-board gamers enjoy our game.

Easy to learn and endless depth of strategic fun.


What are some factors that will make your target audience remember you for? Social Cause?

  • Strategic
  • Single game but thousands of battlefield combination
  • Fantasty Illustration
  • Story


They can get your product/brand in what form? Book, notepad, sticker or metal pins?

  • Board game with Detailed Miniatures (Deluxe Edition)
  • Board game with Paper Standees (Basic Starter Edition)
  • Offer illustration art book

Let us know what do you think about this framework in the comment below and how we can make this framework better for everyone.



Marcus Eng Zhao Wei
Realm of Desires

Business Development & Project Manager in UX Experts Singapore. Love board game & tea.