Factions — Explore the Infinite Possibilities Through Decentralisation

Realm of Karitha
Realm of Karitha
Published in
6 min readJun 23, 2022

Factions of Karitha are a huge part of the realm as they contribute directly to the lore and gameplay of the Realm of Karitha.

Members of factions are able to contribute directly to the faction’s economic engine by creating within its faction an opportunity Factions redelivers the concepts of guilds with direct integration of a community within a game, combining working integrated layer in a metaverse by combining the MMORPGs NFTs, DeFi technology and gaming. Work and contribute to your faction economic engine, run a business, stake your NFTs, dungeon dive to recover crafting materials, or sell for some extra $REALM.

5 Factions of Karitha


Title: Saviours of the Realm
Version: Genesis
Strengths: Intelligence, Vitality, Arcane, Intrigue
Weakness: Defense, Pacifism

The Lannuvár is a seemingly docile, pacifist faction comprised of the original precursor race to humanity. Being nigh on immortal, it is hard to get in contact with the Lannuvár, who boast a wealth of knowledge and riches, which some suspect may have come as a result of conjuration magic. Their strategy relies on self-sustenance through the accumulation of wealth and knowledge, as well as deep spirituality. Though the average man may see them as mute bankers who live in silence on the Golden Isle, their true power lies within their ability to change the tide of war with their subterfuge and almost omniscient intelligence.

A Lannuvár initiate may only be accepted if they have a trace of precursor blood in their genetics, in which case they must sacrifice the remainder of their soul to achieve the privileges of prolonged life and knowledge. It is then that they are trained under four disciplines: the Discipline of the Mind, the Discipline of Body, the Discipline of Earth, and the Discipline of the Soul. The individual’s journey to mastery in their given discipline must come with a love of knowledge, and ultimately with a penchant for working towards the greater good.


Title: The Rulers of Arcane
Strengths: Arcane, Organisation, Defense
Weakness: Authoritarian

Arcana driven faction made up of high elves, many visit and train under these mages who were critical in defeating the insurgence. These highly powerful mages are relentless in choosing their members and are regarded as some of the most feared assets on the battlefield. Their handle on the arcane relies upon the mastery of runes and Magicka, which a normal person would allegedly have to study upwards of three lifetimes to perfect.

A bead of sweat trickled down between the young elf’s eyes. He recited the mantra, mutterings of the void, and so the first runes flickered with power. He raises a rock steady palm, focusing his mind. And suddenly within the sealed room, the wind did blow. His veins begin to softly glow with power, and his iris shines bright and blue. He yells his final word, raising his hand to the ceiling, and casting it down with a thunderous motion. A flash of light, a fatal scream. His robe drops to the floor atop a pile of ash. A glare watches from above. The high elf wizard. “Bring in the next… only one of the thirty will tame the runes’ power.”

Iron Light

Title: the Pillars of Justice
Version: Genesis
Strengths: Piety, Strength, Justice, Charisma
Weakness: Control, Development, Trade

The faction with the largest territorial holdings, the Iron Light values honor, status, and power as vehicles to maintain the status quo in Karitha. With roots in the ancient Band of Chargram, a tribe of a thousand warriors who first settled and conquered large portions of Karitha, the current iteration of the Iron Light welcomes all who are interested in delivering order through justice. The citizens can be identified by their iron-gold insignias, often stitched into their packs or attached to a necklace. Unknown to the commoner however, over-expansion has led to financial and societal instability through the land, and some members are losing trust in the secretive leadership. Rumoured to own a powerful artifact, people are left wondering about the recent stagnation in territories held by the Iron Light. Citizens are quick to please, and with a former Iron Light general denouncing his former leaders for their lack of control and weak spines, whispers of rebellion are looking like a reality.


Title: Merchants of the Gods
Strengths: Dexterity, Trade, Prowess
Weakness: Zealous, Brash

According to legend, the sun-stricken people of Hodir came from the stars in a long-forgotten past and crashed to the planet which upheaved the land and created craters and mountains, in which they now reside. It may seem that they dwell under the earth uncivilised and primitive, but in reality the Ulduar mountains are home to workshops, halls and cities where community thrives, their geography leading to a unique strategic advantage. To the radical Hodir zealots, searching for remnants of their ancient space vessel in which they arrived is imperative in helping their people unlock the mysteries and technology of their past. The regular Hodir folk however believe the myths are what drags society down, and the focus should be developing their society and attaining resources to outlast the rest of the world.

“The chants of the crowd echo through the tournament grounds as the renowned blacksmiths clank their hammers on the stone ground in unison. Travellers from Ulduar and beyond, in robes and colorful garments holler as the once in a lifetime Chalice of Hodir seeks its new owner. Augmented with magic and unique technology, the smiths show off their weapons and armour to face their mighty foe.

A deep, visceral roar is heard from the very earth itself. The blacksmiths tighten their equipment in anticipation, their fate in the hands of their augmentations. The tournament master rings the first bell, and the ground grumbles once more. The crowd cheers. Only a single victor will emerge on this powerful day, and hundred years of fame awaits the winner and his descendants for their prowess in combat and fine craftsmanship.”


Title: the Pearls of Karitha
Version: Genesis
Strengths: Agility, Defense, Community
Weakness: Strength, Wisdom, Pacifism

Known as the “Pearls of Karitha”, the Kalu’ak are a large tribe of beast folk who prefer to settle on or near the sea. They are a peaceful beast faction interested in internal growth, community, and the procurement of good relations with other factions. It’s said that their settlements and villages are connected both underwater and through land, and only those with the blessing of the land may pass through them freely. At some point in the past, as part of a peace treaty, they merged with the Lokthir Elves, who were originally borne of the Eastern Woods — giving the Kalu’Ak as a whole mastery over sea and land. Despite the relative peace in their corner of the world, pirates and rogues continue to threaten Kalu’Ak trade lines and settlement tunnels, which other factions are starting to suspect are being used to transport stolen goods and arms.



Realm of Karitha
Realm of Karitha

The Realm of Karitha is a 2D Metaverse based in a medieval fantasy setting where players are able to embark on their virtual adventure.