Interview with Mindful Elopies

Realm of Karitha
Realm of Karitha
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2022

We are grateful to have the opportunity to interview the founder of one of our partners.
Karitha community, let us all welcome Rajith (Mint), one of the founders of Mindful Elopies.

Hello Mint, it’s an honour to have you today. Firstly, can you tell us more about yourself?

Honour is all mine. I want to thank Amir and the whole Karitha team for recognizing us and our project. My name is Rajith, and I am from Sri Lanka. I am a telecommunication engineer by profession. I worked in the telco industry for 10 years and then started my entrepreneurship journey. Now I have an eCommerce business selling a couple of products through Amazon and Etsy. In addition to that, I am investing in crypto and in Elrond NFTs. I have been practising meditation and mindfulness related activities for more than 10 years now. It has helped me immensely in so many different ways. I am now a much calmer and kinder person, can manage stress well, and most of all, I am slowly mastering the art of being able to be happy regardless of all the different challenges life brings.

What brought you into the crypto space?

Even though I was always a lover of new technology, I did not find time to enter the crypto space until last year. A very good friend of mine (David from Perth, Australia) finally managed to convince me to invest in Bitcoin. He later introduced me to EGLD when Maiar DEX was launching. We both started investing in Elrond NFTs together, and life has never been the same again.

Can you tell us more about your project, Mindful Elopies? and why did you choose to launch on Elrond?

One day I was having a chat with Tara (who is a co-founder of this project and also the head artist), and we came up with the idea of developing a gamified platform to help develop mindfulness as we both personally value it very much. We wanted to use the amazing potential of NFTs and share something we love with the world. So Mindful Elopies is a gamified immersive experience where players will get a chance to participate in various activities to develop mindfulness. Some areas we are focusing on are meditation, love and kindness, patience, consciousness about our environment, improving memory and ability to focus. We are targeting children as a key target group in addition to adults. So our community will be able to introduce this gamified platform to their kids, nephews, etc., and let them experience it as well. Since this is a community-based NFT project, we are sharing a big portion of our revenue with the NFT holders. All the information is available in the whitepaper. The two main reasons to choose Elrond are the community and the technology. I was already a big fan of the Elrond community and the values of our project resonate with the Elrond community like no other. The fast and cheap transactions are critical in building an NFT integrated gamified immersive experience. Choosing Elrond was a no-brainer in that sense also.

Developing our mind and its capabilities is not something many people put an effort into. What mindfulness activities do Mindful Elopies offer to the community?

The exact activities will keep evolving. But in general, all activities will be divided into meditative activities and non-meditative activities. Non-meditative activities will be presented in the form of a game along with some components of meditation. There will be a separate area just for meditations as we want to introduce several different types of meditations which will help everyone in day–to-day life. Relieving stress and tiredness, improving focus and managing anger are some areas we are targeting through meditative exercises. As far as our gamified activities are concerned, practising love and kindness, developing patience, developing memory and focus, multitasking and improving our attention and consciousness about the environment we live in are some key areas we are targeting.

In terms of the project roadmap, what are your targets or goals to achieve for the remaining of the year?

We are planning to release a beta version of our gamified experience in September, and everyone will be able to play and get a feel of what we are trying to build. We are going to launch the Elopy NFT collection after we release that. We decided to launch a beta version first as our concept is new, and we firmly believe everyone who is investing in our project should get a chance to experience it first. We have planned to launch the first stage of our platform by the end of this year.

Can you expand on the utilities of holding Elopies NFTs?

Elopy NFTs are the token of ownership of the platform and they will have free access to the platform in addition to the share of income. Twenty percent (20%) of the entire platform revenue is going forward and 40% of the NFT royalties will be shared with Elopy NFTs holders. The second stage of the project consists of a land sale and Elopy NFT holders will be automatically whitelisted and 50% of the land sale revenue will also be shared with them. These lands will contain additional activities where players will have to pay to participate and 10% of this revenue will also be shared with the Elopy NFT holders.

Thank you very much for your time. Do you have any additional comments for the community?

Thank you again for this amazing opportunity to introduce our project. We want to invite everyone to come and find more about our project. Our discord is and there we are planning to host some related activities twice a week. Follow us in twitter — Team is fully doxed and you can check everything in our website.



Realm of Karitha
Realm of Karitha

The Realm of Karitha is a 2D Metaverse based in a medieval fantasy setting where players are able to embark on their virtual adventure.