Who’s the Lord of Stealth?

Sam Roy
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2019

A long time ago, in my galaxy, more specifically on the main boulevard, and close to my parents house, was recently opened a software rental and computer hardware store; just what I needed to expand my lonely world as a child computer enthusiast , circa 1984.

Discovering software on cassette for my VIC-20 was as fun and adventurous as reading classics like Robinson Crusoe or Vingt mille lieues sous les mers. New software meant I could read more code, mostly in Assembler and BASIC, although not understanding but the gist of it, by deduction.

During one of my regular visits, perusing what little selection was available, I struck a conversation with a kid, much older than me, he was a teenager. Turns out he worked there. I was amazed that one could work in such a cool place and be young. Up until then, only old folks seemed to use these futuristic devices, and for the most boring reasons.

We became friends. Little did he know, he was my first real friend, and one that shared my passion. I spent many afternoon in his parents basement, observing him, particularly the work he was doing on his BBS (Bulletin Board System). Emru explained everything in details, and I was gobbling the information like cake.

Soon enough, I started to write code for the BBS. It did cool stuff I never heard about; it was a forum, an information store, a software exchange (illegal of course) and a chat application.

I was proud to be a programmer and overjoyed for being a SysOp (system’s operator). Right after school and until early morning, I was plugged in. I had convinced my parents for a second phone line and a modem.

Here we where, the Lord of Stealth and I, Moon Knight. We operated the Realm Of Shadow for years.

Thank you Emru Townsend for sharing that passion with me. I never had a chance to tell you, and you passed away young, my brethren.

