The Future of Messaging

Max Pellegrini
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2018

This Sunday May 6th at 1pm I will be speaking in Chicago at the International Telecom Week. Hosted by the Mobile Ecosystem Forum’s Future of Messaging Programme the session looks at how major consumer, technology and regulatory developments are impacting A2P messaging and enterprise communications. The conference is located at Swiss Hotel, Gold Level, Alpine Ballroom.

We will be talking about the general state of messaging:

  • Is business messaging in good health right now?
  • What will drive growth? (E.g. OTT, RCS, CPaas, something else)

and RCS

  • Whom is RCS a solution for: mobile operators, enterprise, or consumers?
  • Will RCS just add to the messaging fragmentation?
  • What are the drivers for chatbots adoption by the enterprises? E.g. Carousels, engagement, conversion, cost-saving, personal cataloguing, etc)
  • Will consumers/ brands have the same experience of RCS? E.g. AI-bot driven carousels, or SMS 2.0
  • What pricing model do you think makes sense for RCS? E.g. based on time, session, or message

My contribution is deriving our experience with Kontxt, the A2P messaging classification platform, and how machine learning and AI can help deliver value to the ecosystem by keeping it clean and increase monetization.

I will be at the ITW Conference on Monday (location is SwissHotel and Hyatt). If you are around and want to meet, hit me up.



Max Pellegrini

CEO @namirialgroup, former President @realnetworks, Dad, Husband, world-citizen, NewYorker