Rapids Network x SatoshiClub AMA from May 17

Irina K.
Satoshi Club
Published in
15 min readMay 26, 2020

Incredibly eventful May is continuing and today we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from the Rapids Network. The AMA took place on May 17 and our guests were Corey Strong (Founder & Project manager of the Rapids Network), Matt Cimelli (Community Outreach Manager) and Jason Berlin (Executive Advisor).

The total reward pool was $150 in RPD and was split in 3 parts.

In this AMA Recap we are trying to summarise some of the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from Twitter

Irina Kravchuk: Hi everyone and welcome @crycy Corey! Glad to have you as our guest today.

Corey S. Rapids: Thanks for having us!

Serg: Hello, dear friends! Today we present to you Rapids Network! Our guests are @crycy and @Matt_Cimelli. Welcome!
Before we start, please tell us a little bit about yourself.

Corey S. Rapids: Hi everyone! I’m Corey Strong the founder and project manager of the Rapids Network.

Irina Kravchuk: Welcome @Matt_Cimelli and @mrjberlin.

Serg: Welcome to Satoshi Club!

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: Hey Guys, thanks for having us. I head up the community outreach program amongst other day to day running of Rapids.

Jason Berlin: Thank you for giving us your time for this AMA. Looking forward to seeing the questions by your group and other Rapids members that have joined

Serg: Can you briefly introduce the project?

Jason Berlin: Waiting for Corey to type up a summary. While doing so I can say that I’m proud to be part of a true community project where members work 24/7/365.
It was amazing watching it start with a small group to having Ambassadors in almost every country; which then also help translate news and updates in many languages.

Corey S. Rapids: Sure, The Rapids Network is a proof of stake blockchain thats focused on integrating widgets into mainstream social media platforms to facilitate the sending and receiving cryptocurrencies amongst friends, family and colleagues, as well as transacting over said platformas and online merchants. We started the project august 23rd 2018.

Serg: So, basically I can send funds to my friends through Twitter or Facebook?

Corey S. Rapids: twitter previously yes, but Due to an upgrade of our tipbot, some of our previous versions are down for maintenance at the moment. to bring it up to speed with the update.

Serg: What other platforms do you support? Social media platforms.

Corey S. Rapids: we support Telegram at the moment, but also support twitch, discord and twitter which undergoing an upgrade

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: Last year we ran successful tipbots on twitter, discord, twitch. This year are releasing our v2 which we have been building for 6 mths which includes a control hub for users/community managers and we are excited to start releasing details very soon.

Serg: When did you start the project?

Corey S. Rapids: We started the project august 23rd 2018.

Jason Berlin: I wasn’t there at the very beginning… Corey is the founder of the project when it was Ethereum based. I joined a couple of months later after discussion of helping with introducing crypto to nonprofits.
To make things short… Corey was the ONLY individual that offered to help without asking — “What’s in it for me?”
That stood out to me, especially due to the typical greed found in the crypto space. I looked into Rapids and said — “Yea, let’s build a true 100% blockchain based on community efforts.”
I think this is important and shows everyone that this is more than just tech or blockchain related. We have thousands from around the world helping us build out the entire network because they truly believe in it.

Serg: thanks for this clarification :) shall we start with the questions from the community?

Q1 from Twitter user animos29 (Most popular on Twitter (the biggest number of likes and retweets))

Recent hacks on Vechain, IOTA, and Steem. Now, how do you provide a better and good security to the project? And how Rapids Network can protect its users from hackers?

Jason Berlin: Rapids is a fork of PIVX. They recently changed devs and improved their entire blockchain, including any previous loops or flaws. With that said, we — as Rapids, are updating the blockchain to fit our needs.
The odds of “2” blockchains getting hacked are much smaller than one developed by 1 dev.

Corey S. Rapids: We also have numerous devs scanning our code constantly looking for and fixing bugs.

Serg: do you have also external auditing?

Jason Berlin: Blockchain is still relatively NEW. This is something that majority of people still don’t understand. Those that truly understand the tech have been around for years. Many claim they can do it but really just watch YouTube videos or do it as a hobby

We have been in contact with devs that understand the tech and have helped us at various stages.

And it hasn’t been easy. Rapids did NOT have an ICO or raise any funds. Everything that you see has been contributed by community members or paid directly by those that want this projector succeed.

Irina Kravchuk: So all the financing comes from donations?

Serg: that’s amazing. Have you ever thought about raising funds? Through an ICO or private investors?

Corey S. Rapids: We thought about an ICO in the beginning but didnt go ahead with it, we found distributing tokens/coins and creating reliable software was much more beneficial than running an ICO and then most coins being dumped on the first exchange we list on.

Q2 from Twitter user Oluwamayowa06

Many social media users are enjoying it and they don’t even know there’s one blockchain anywhere. How will you introduce RAPIDS to these social media users and let them know the necessity for this technology in social media?

Jason Berlin: Majority of people don’t even know what blockchain is! They’ve only heard of Bitcoin.
However, those people (your next door neighbor) ARE using Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, Telegram, etc. Rapids can slowly introduce everyone to blockchain tech via our tipbots and educational experience.
Don’t forget about the Ambassadors that help translate everything for us as well.

As an example.
Check out our partnership with Burnley. Imagine thousands of soccer fans watching the game and in a dedicated tipbot group.
They can interact with each other and even the players as RPD is being shared.

Serg: what if they create their own token for this? Like Reddit has done recently. Or Libra

Corey S. Rapids: We get this question a lot, lets use Libra for example, we’ll probably see libra transactions conducted on FB Insta and whatsapp, But it will not be available for further crossplatform transactions.
We can send RPD From Telegram to Twitch to twitter to discord and a lot more once our upgrade takes place

Jason Berlin: Reddit is going to open up the entire crypto space for us. This is HUGE. It’s also beneficial for Rapids as we will have a tipbot connected to Reddit.
There’s nothing wrong with having options.

Serg: “As an example.Check out our partnership with Burnley. Imagine thousands of soccer fans watching the game and in a dedicated tipbot group.They can interact with each other and even the players as RPD is being shared.” — that’s good. We love Football (soccer) in Europe. What other teams do you have in mind for partnerships?

Jason Berlin: I know Corey is excited with eSports partnerships… I’m a firm believer that partnering with any industry that already has an existing community is a must.
Nothing bigger than sports and online gaming!

Q3 from Twitter user JhonathanCh

About the $RPD rewards obtained from Masternode or Staking: Can you tell us what products are available to redeem $RPD? and What’s about the integration that you have recently announced in products such as Netflix and Steam, when will they be available?

Corey S. Rapids: Yes there are numerous giftcards and ecommerce stores accepting RPD as payment, All giftcards are available now for their relevant countries which include the likes of Netflix Amazon, Steam and over 40 more via our polispay integration. We have a demo video on our twitter on how to purchase a steam giftcard with RPD which is really easy to follow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ09Nk9YO7Q&feature=youtu.be

Jason Berlin: While Corey answers. I’ve asked Matt to help find some pictures of Rapids up on the huge TV at Burnley stadium and our recent fighting sponsorships.

Yes, we’re real people. If you haven’t already guessed it. Matt Cimelli, Nick Hellmann, Corey Strong and Jason Berlin

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: I came across a situation last month where I had to pay winners for a CoD tournament we held.
One of the prizes was $50 they didn’t use paypal, only google pay. In the UK I couldn’t send payment to their country using google pay. Paying with Rpd doesn’t have this problem and with our growing use cases in the “real” world it makes it easier for people to accept RPD as payment with no hassle at all using it on things they would normally use fiat.

Serg: Can we integrate it in shops as payment systems?

Corey S. Rapids: theres a company called swirlpay which have included RPD into their ecommerce payment gateway, put in physical stores there isnt an option for now but we will be looking into it in the future

Jason Berlin: Yes, there’s a WordPress plugin available that integrates RPD & BTC. Plan to release one for Shopify as well.

Q4 from Twitter user VasiliySantru

Team RPD gaming supports the Call of Duty Tournament. Do you plan to hold a Counter Strike tournament? Do you plan to create a team to play in the international cyber-sports arena? This could make a good advertisement for the project.

Jason Berlin: Of course. We want to get Rapids involved with every large gaming tournament. We just have to start small and continue grinding it out in the space to grow.

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: I’m planning a huge cross promo with 8+ other projects including a pro esports team we are partnered with.

Corey S. Rapids: We’re also in the middle of making our own mobile games which will help put together and fund a potentially pro esports team.

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: Our TeamRPD manager is running a tournament as we speak and streaming to youtube. Also we are happy to host games of whatever gamers are playing or most popular.

CoD tournament ongoing. We had 16 teams of 5 last month

Q5 from Twitter user Adikaushik1995

After being in the crypto market for so many years also, why have you not been listed on any big exchanges? How do you plan to increase the Value & Demand Of RPD token?

Corey S. Rapids: Most big exchanges either charge extreme amounts of funding and the top lets say legacy exchanges such as bittrex , poloniex etc.. require a blockchains code, structure and team structure to be at the top!
We’re absolutley confident that we can now reaply to these said exchanges and receive the results we expect after our new consensus update!

Jason Berlin: 2020 will be a great year for Rapids and exposure.

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Serg: 800 questions in 80 seconds!

Q1 from Telegram user Paul

Are there some major partnership in the works? I’m also interested in how you do immediate transactions? Do you anticipate scaling issues?

Corey S. Rapids: No Partnerships in the works at the moment but have some current big and very helpful partners to the network, Yes as well as instant transaction the network can handle +14,000 transactions a second.

Q2 from Telegram user Adebowale

If your project fail in your roadmap or whitepaper , what should you do it for make it right?

Corey S. Rapids: We will never fail anything on the roadmap we have planned, however, somethings could be pushed back if they require more time than expected to develop

Q3 from Telegram user Ghen Cô Vy

Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) are two fairly common terms in the cryptocurrency market in particular and the Blockchain space in general, so why did Rapids Network choose PoS?

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: PoS is Energy efficient and brings higher level of security, decentralization and more features to blockchain technology.

Q4 from Telegram user Pani Syanjaya

What’s difference between RPDs now than before?
What are some recent changes/updates/developments in your blockchain and the entire project?

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network:

• Rapids Network 2.0
— Implement higher staking & masternode rewards.
— Increase in transaction speed.
— Extra security to the network.

Q5 from Telegram user Conan

What your plans in place for global expansion, are Rapids Network focusing on only market at this time? Or focus on building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships? Can you explain this?

Jason Berlin: The team and community has always placed focus on expansion; however we really want to take a step back to focus on the tech. We didn’t want to go too far forward then back to fix something… or to go in circles doing one thing first before the other.
Now that Rapids 2.0 is released the entire strategy moving forward is nothing but expansion, especially with the help of hundreds of our Ambassadors.
Looking at data we know the countries, markets and industries we want to target. There’s a huge educational approach for anyone in the United States but countries in Europe are far more open to crypto. Also, and especially, India 🇮🇳 and China.
There’s less work for us to get Rapids exposure going there than anywhere else. Of course there will be overlap.

Just to add & clarity…
Focus is on exposure due to Rapids 2.0 release. Lots of integrations and partnerships have been put on hold. Now it will be full speed forward.
No more setbacks

Q6 from Telegram user Hunny Kaushal

How many RAPID needed to run a Masternode?

Corey S. Rapids: 10,000,000 RPD to run a masternode

Q7 from Telegram user Joshua

Is there a chance that Rapids Network will be partner to list your coin in best cryptocurrency exchanges like Okex, Unifyre especially binance in the near future?

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: We are always connecting with exchanges. Q3 Roadmap we plan to list on a high volume exchange.

Q8 from Telegram user Stay At Home

I am not really to see Rapids much on social media, marketing is very important for project’s success, so are you focusing in marketing? which other edges that Rapids is focusing as priority?

Corey S. Rapids: We are not focusing on marketing at the minute no, we are waiting for the release of bothe our upgraded tipbot which by the way will be integratable into any private group and come with a user dashboard! as well as our mobile wallets before we really push the marketing side of things.

Q9 from Telegram user Jade

What is the objective behind of the Rapids World Trivia? What do you want to get from the community, apart of extend?

Corey S. Rapids: We dont really have motive thats beneficial to ourselves, we do this to bring our community together thats it. We’re very close in the network and try to keep in touch with everyone as much as possible.

Q10 from Telegram user DustyLoooza

You Devote Your Existence as a MasterNode Coin which is a good way of Passive Income…
But I wonder,Will RAPIDS join the Staking Trend or You will remain a Proof of Mine Masternode for the rest of your Life?

Jason Berlin: Rapids will always be proof of stake. I’m a firm believer that PoS projects are the future of the crypto space, especially for retail and institutional investors. They are already used to stocks & dividends. The same analogy applies to RPD & staking :eyes:

We’re already seeing top tier exchanges promote staking projects… there’s a few reasons for this!

Q11 from Telegram user Marga

On which blockchain networks does RPD operate?

Jason Berlin: Rapids is it’s OWN blockchain

Q12 from Telegram user Jonathan tross

As you know, In this Pandemic Lots of People stay at home, & It would not have a better time for E- SPORTS lovers to play E-Games Isn’t it?
How do you plan to Utilise this time for E Gaming platform?

Jason Berlin: Correct! It was also the perfect time to consolidate and make sure all tech is in order.
Unfortunately social norms will be changing. People may not go out as much as before. Perhaps more will go towards online gaming and esports; which will be perfect for Rapids.

Q13 from Telegram user Samuel

How masternode and staking works? What’s the difference between the two?

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: Masternode is a full node on our network which you earn rewards for helping secure our transactions.
Staking is similar with less rewards, coins aren’t locked away but you aren’t always guaranteed rewards like you are with holding a Masternode.

Q14 from Telegram user Onkar Chavan

Why you integrate Tip bot in Rapid network& How it work?

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: Send instant payments with tipbots is done via a command to our bot. The new v2 bot will be unstoppable across major platforms.

Q15 from Telegram user Dun- Devloper NG

What does your roadmap for 2019–20 look like? Name some important milestones you are hoping to achieve?

Jason Berlin: The biggest milestone for me is the release of the official Rapids mobile wallet & true atomic swaps.
This will serve as a platform for users to get push notifications on the latest updates of Rapids, will make RPD easier to attain (no crazy exchanges) and help promote other tech services; such as direct links to the new tipbots.
Everything will be in one place.

Q16 from Telegram user Sky

What are some of your goals/targets that you want to achieve in this ongoing year?

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: We have a 5billion coin burn coming up to reduce supply down to 30bil,Rapids core wallet with fiat, Rapids mobile wallet atomic swaps/fiat, The v2 tipbot, High volume exchange.

Q17 from Telegram user Sunney

How can you explain your project to non crypto peoples?
What strategy you will use to attract non crypto investor toward RAPID ?

Corey S. Rapids: We do and have previously used live TV advertising (paramount network) (channel 5) sports stadiums such as wembley arena, London and Turf Moor, home of premier league team Burnley FC to attract people who arent necessarily involved in blockchain.

Q18 from Telegram user Maxim

How Rapids will expand team members in the future ?
Will you expand to other countries? What is the main focus?

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: Our ambassador applications are open to everyone 24/7 to apply and we review all to continue to expand.

Q19 from Telegram user Adebowale

Is there any plan to list rpd on major/loyal exchanges for significant liquidity? According to you which exchange do you suggest buy rpd?

Jason Berlin: Yes of course. It’s a MUST for us to get on a top tier exchange. We need volume as that attracts traders and more community members.
As of now we recommend Crex24. No KYC required.

Q20 from Telegram user Haifa SS

Trust is very important in business. what makes investors, customers and users feel safe when working with RAPIDS ?

Jason Berlin: We are 100% transparent. Ask us questions and you get answers.
We’re also real people… not cartoon characters.

Q21 from Telegram user Tony

Why we choose $RPD and why hold it for long term?

Matt Cimelli | Rapids Network: We continue to position ourselves within social media and try to get ahead of the game where we can. Social media isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

Q22 from Telegram user S.A.M. Crypto Trader

What has been the biggest technical challenge that you overcame this year or you are going to overcome this year?

Jason Berlin: Finding quality developers! We’re a community project so money comes from our pockets. There’s a set amount of RPD for a dev fund but we’re only interested in using that for someone that wants to be part of the team and grow with us.

Part 3 — quiz results

In the final part we would like you to check your knowledge in terms of Trias. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. .All the correct answers you will find at the bottom of this Recap. Enjoy!


What is Rapids block time?


Which answer is correct?

A. You can buy gift cards such as Netflix, Amazon, Steam with RPD

B. You can top up your mobile phone credit with RPD

C. You can spend RPD on MasterCard

D. All of the above


What is the new block reward structure after our V2.0 Update?


How much RPD is needed as collateral to run a Masternode?


1. 60 secs

2. D is the correct answer.

3. 65% Mn & 35% Staking

4. 10million

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru

Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub
Website: https://esatoshi.club/

Our partners:

Rapids Network Official Community: https://t.me/RapidsOfficial



Irina K.
Satoshi Club

Co-Founder @realSatoshiClub . Love to have meaningful conversations about interesting ideas.