Irina K.
Satoshi Club
Published in
7 min readMay 30, 2020


May has been a great month for Satoshi Club. With lockdown almost everywhere around the world, admins managed to bring one of the best projects since the foundation of the community. As always, daily quizzes with huge rewards, and many AMAs from great and interesting projects. This time, admins managed themselves to bring one of the most important ambassadors when referring to crypto, TRX’s CEO, Justin Sun. This AMA had prizes with a value of $150, distributed among the best questions from Twitter, best lives questions on Telegram, and winners from the quiz. It was a pleasure to bring TRX to Satoshi Club, and we hope to have them back soon with any other great news.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Twitter community

Irina Kravchuk | SatoshiClub: Hi everyone. A lot of love here 😊 Welcome @Justinsun1990 and @TRON_EN and thanks for joining us today. We’ll have a great talk

Justin Sun: Thank you for inviting, I’m glad to be here

TRON_EN admin: Thanks!

Serg | Satoshi Club: Thanks for joining. We are hoping to find out about your next plans and about the Launchbase :)

Justin Sun: Sure, let’s start.

Irina Kravchuk | SatoshiClub: Great, let’s start it then. @Justinsun1990 usually in the first part our guests tell us a bit about themselves. Well, this time everyone knows for sure our guests.

TRON_EN admin: Ok, I’ll briefly introduce TRON.

Irina Kravchuk | SatoshiClub: But maybe you can share with us a few words, how did you come to create Tron, other projects you’ve been involved before that etc.

TRON_EN admin: TRON is an ambitious project dedicated to the establishment of a truly decentralized Internet and its infrastructure. The TRON Protocol, one of the largest blockchain-based operating systems in the world, offers public blockchain support of high throughput, high scalability, and high availability for all Decentralized Applications (DApps) in the TRON ecosystem. The July 2018 acquisition of BitTorrent further cemented TRON’s leadership in pursuing a decentralized ecosystem.

Irina Kravchuk | SatoshiClub: It is for sure. Thanks for the introduction @TRON_EN

For the first part we’ll have questions that the community posted on our Twitter account. When ready, we’ll start with the first one


Q1 from Twitter user @mistake55180954

A lot of people are discussing about JUST, but apart from the release of JUST on Poloniex Launchbase, I am curious to know about BitTorrent’s latest updates. Could you talk a little bit more about it?

Justin Sun: Hi, recently there are 2 main updates on BitTorrent.

1. BTFS v1.1.1 was released. And a version of BitTorrentSpeed for uTorrent Web is under development.

2. Staking BTT token on DLive is ongoing. The BTT staking rewards come from the 25% of all donations and subscriptions on DLive everyday.

Serg | Satoshi Club: For those who are not familiar, can you tell us a bit more about BTFS v1.1.1?

Irina Kravchuk | SatoshiClub: @TRON_EN @Justinsun1990 we need some help here 🙂

Serg | Satoshi Club: BTFS v1.1.0 Goes Live, Delivering New BTT Rewards to Millions of BitTorrent Users. I’ve found a link for those interested :)

Q2 from Twitter user @banderamamusya

Are you pleased by that leading dApps on Tron platform mostly are gambling projects? Do you plan to attract developers of another directions of dApps?

Justin Sun: Putting a lot gambling dapps in TRON ecosystem was never my intention. These gambling Dapps are developed not by TRON, but by community developers. We welcome all users and developers to join TRON ecosystem with diverse Dapps. We also have many Dapps like Poloniex. Also the JUST stable coin lending platform is a new attempt to attract more people to TRON ecosystem.

Serg | Satoshi Club: It’s great we have a clarification for this question :)

If @Iri_kravchuk doesn’t have any question, shall we go to the next one?

Irina Kravchuk | SatoshiClub: Thank you. Freedom and open source software creates wonders.

Q3 from Twitter user @icodesk_vip

Currently a vast number of DeFi projects are built on Ethereum. How are DeFi applications going on TRON? How promising is their future?

Justin Sun: I have said on many occasions that DeFi sits at the center of TRON’s strategy this year.

In fact, our first step towards DeFi was taken a year ago when, for example, Tether issued the TRON-based TRC20-USDT stablecoin. The stablecoin has attracted a large number of users with its speedy service and zero transfer fee.

A more recent project built on TRON public chain is Pool-X decentralized mining pool hatched by Team KuCoin. Pool-X delivers both Staking benefits and high liquidity. The team’s choice of TRON was made out of its deep trust in us.

Serg | Satoshi Club: I’ve heard that more than 1 billion of tether is TRC20

Justin Sun: Yes!

Q4 from Twitter user @JhonathanCh

How and why did you incorporate BitTorrent into the TRON ecosystem? What new features have it brought to the project? What has been your experience since this happened?

Justin Sun: BitTorrent is famous before incorporated into TRON ecosystem. By incorporating BitTorrent, we want to push crypto mass adoption via its 100 million users. And more and more people know TRON after that.

Serg | Satoshi Club: I personally acquired my first TRX at that moment))

Q5 from Twitter user @jonny_kruz: Please tell us more about Tron s much-anticipated Poloniex LaunchBase?

Justin Sun: Founded in 2014, Poloniex, an established crypto asset exchange, has been growing at a steady pace. Over a period of 6 years, Poloniex has launched hundreds of quality projects and gained rich experience in project-screening as well as a huge pool of premium project resources. I feel that launching Poloniex LaunchBase indeed meets the expectation of the general public and community users, as Poloniex has the experience and capacity to filter premium quality community projects for our investors. So LaunchBase goes beyond a platform for selling digital assets. In our talk with Poloniex, we’ve learned on top of being a platform for community members to trade crypto assets, Poloniex also offers professional guidance and suggestions to facilitate these blockchain projects to take shape and move into implementation swiftly.

Serg | Satoshi Club: Thanks for this clarification.


Q1 from tg user @Olonade02

ETH 2.0 wants to actually make Ethereum the best DApps platform. How is this a threat or barrier to Tron? How can you compete?

Justin Sun: Everybody is working hard in crypto industry and a little bit of the competition is always good for the progress. TRON definitely better in TPS and scalability (especially with Dappchain out) which will always be a great advantage for Dapp developers and users. We also provide with support plans for developers who build in TRON.

Q2 from tg user @frankenians: TRON is one of the fastest blockchain today, It is often used on Dapps but what is next for tron what can we expect in the following years?

Justin Sun: Future is bright for TRON. Now you can see that Tether issued USDT on TRON that is faster than any other ones and already surpassed 1.2 Billion in supply. TRON aid working hard not only in the Dapp part of blockchain but expending to a lot of different parts of users life. DLive, BitTorrent, JUST, BTFS, partnerships with giants like Samsung and Opera. And there is a lot more coming.

Q3 from tg user @King_Raja: Recently, The circulation amount of TRC20- USDT issued by Tether to on TRON network exceeded 1.1 Billion, how do you feel after these achievements? Could you talk about its positives?

Justin Sun: That’s really great and we are really close to surpass OMNI based USDT and we are not planning to stop. We are working hard to provide best experience to our users and other exchanges’ users.

Q4 from tg user @Olonade02

Many blockchain projects have donated to COVID-19. How will Tron also contribute to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic?

Justin Sun: We support everybody who is going through this pandemic. We supplying a big amount of masks to the countries that need them. And when Wuhan outburst started we send our first ones there.

Q5 from tg user @endtimeprophet

Please can I know more about JST, is there any airdrop for it and when will Snapshot be taken and how many JST will I get for holding 50000 TRON?

Justin Sun: TRX holders are the only ones that available for JST airdrop. It will start on May 20 and will take place every month for the next 2 and a half years. From the first airdrop and for 12 months, the JUST Foundation will deliver 237,600,000 JSTs corresponding to 2.2% of the total supply.

Starting in June 2021 and for 12 months, JUST Foundation will give away 257,400,000 JST which corresponds to 2.6% of the total supply. Finally, in June 2022 and for 5 months, JUST Foundation will give away 277,200,000 JST corresponding to 2.8% of the total supply. The JST tokens will be sent to all addresses running on the TRON blockchain that have a balance greater than or equal to 100 TRX.

Justin Sun: Hi, that’s all 5 questions.

Irina Kravchuk | SatoshiClub: That’s appreciated. Everyone should contribute with the most that they can in this hard times.


Irina Kravchuk | SatoshiClub: Thank you for the answers, and for your time in general

Justin Sun: Thank you for having me here.

Serg | Satoshi Club: Thanks for being in Satoshi Club to answer our questions! @Justinsun1990, we hope we can have great collaborations like this in the future as well. 😉 Feel free to contact us if you have some news to announce in the future. Do you want to add anything before we open the chat?

Justin Sun: No, I think that’s good for me.

Irina Kravchuk | SatoshiClub: You’re a great Tron and Crypto Ambassador 🖖



Irina K.
Satoshi Club

Co-Founder @realSatoshiClub . Love to have meaningful conversations about interesting ideas.