Mentoring — A Real Skills Perspective

Real Skills Education
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2020

The team at Real Skills Education works to develop and deliver programs for students by students. The team gets opportunities to grow through their activities and the counselling available from capable mentors.

By Juwin Lee

The path to success is rarely the same for each person but a common element in those who enjoy success is a desire to keep learning. One option for students to find success in the workplace is to find an experienced mentor who can provide field-relevant guidance.

The team at Real Skills Education welcomes Samuel Lee as our newest counsellor who has agreed to share his drive for mentoring, and his plans to empower aspiring STEM professionals.

About Samuel Lee

“I am an emerging Solution Engineer at Salesforce and a UNSW Alumni with a Bachelors in Mechatronic Engineering and a Masters of Biomedical Engineering. I have a passion for empowering our next generation of leaders, and am driven by the following three values.”

Real Skills Mentoring Program

“I am currently working on an initiative to provide mentoring opportunities between team members at Real Skills Education (RSE) and experienced graduates who currently work in a wide spectrum of STEM industries. I envision this as an opportunity for RSE members to understand the intricacies of various fields, and a chance for our mentors to describe their experiences of attaining their particular roles as well as share career aspirations.”

“More than anything, I want our mentors to inspire! And our members to be inspired! With the end goal of creating an amazing community of mentorship that will ultimately drive a continued positive impact for the next cohort of students.”

Why did Samuel choose to become a counsellor?

“I had the greatest privilege to serve my country in the Singapore Police Force as a Company Commander of the 158th Batch of Police National Service Force. This was my first taste of leadership, and I am proud to have worked with an amazing group of Field Instructors that led to the successful training and graduation of the next generation of police officers.”

“However, looking back I realised that I was always focused on the numbers and the results of my intake, and how it could impact my representation. It didn’t dawn on me, until much later, that the position I held could have been used to potentially alter the lives of the police trainees and to help them achieve their goals. Reflecting on my service to the Singapore Police Force made me realise that there is so much more than personal achievements. Rather, if I could help make an impact on even a single individual, I would have potentially helped one person, which could lead to them impacting even more people, eventually creating a positive flow-on impact on the wider community.”

“So it is with this mindset, that I decided to pursue mentoring. I want to help aspiring professionals get to where they want to be, by sharing my experiences and knowledge, and hopefully they too, can pay it forward and do the same for others so we can create a better world based on mutual empathy and compassion.”

What can Samuel offer?

As a Real Skills counsellor, Samuel aims to help each team member grow and overcome their challenges. He hopes to help them learn and attain a Growth Mindset — that they can and will achieve whatever skills they would like to obtain, whether it is being proficient in interviews or even improving writing their cover letters in the case of job seeking. But to get there, they will need to craft a plan, understand the effort needed to achieve their plan, and to execute their plan everyday until they realise their end goals.

If you’d like to contact us or learn more, check out our socials!



Real Skills Education

Offering professional development and a mission to cultivate self-sufficient and confident young individuals who in turn will lead and teach future generations.