Optimizing REG Token Trading with 1inch Integration

Published in
3 min readJun 9, 2024
REG Token Trading with 1Inch Integration

The introduction of the REG token has been a smooth process so far, with the Genesis Airdrop ended recently. However, the experience can always be improved further for the community.

With this goal, RealT has integrated REG token pools into 1inch.io, a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator, to offer its investors the best possible trading prices. Additionally, 1inch has provided support for aRMM (assets deposited on the RMM) tokens, which are part of RealT’s ecosystem and designed to facilitate the trading and liquidity of fractional real estate assets.

This strategic integration leverages 1inch’s solutions to enable the RealT community to make the most cost-effective trades.

The Role and Benefits of 1inch

1inch operates as a DEX aggregator, sourcing liquidity from multiple DEXes to offer users optimal trading prices. By utilizing sophisticated algorithms, 1inch scans various liquidity pools to find the best rates, thereby minimizing slippage and ensuring efficient trade execution.

1inch’s key functionalities include:

  • Liquidity Aggregation: 1inch pulls together liquidity from various DEXes, such as Uniswap, SushiSwap, and others, to provide a comprehensive view of the best available trading prices.
  • Slippage Reduction: By spreading trades across multiple liquidity sources, 1inch reduces the price impact of large trades, which helps minimize slippage.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Despite the complex backend operations, 1inch maintains an intuitive and accessible interface, allowing users to execute trades easily.

REG Token Integration

RealT’s integration of REG token pools across major Gnosis DEXes on 1inch is a significant enhancement in trading efficiency and liquidity. This integration ensures that REG token holders can access the best prices available across multiple platforms, thereby optimizing their investment strategies.

Additionally, drawing liquidity from multiple DEXes, the integration ensures that there is ample liquidity available for REG and aRMM token transactions, facilitating smoother and more reliable trading experiences.

Advantages of aRMM Token Integration

aRMM (assets deposited on the RMM) tokens are part of RealT’s ecosystem and are designed to represent fractional ownership of real estate properties, allowing investors to leverage these fractions in a decentralized manner and enable owners to earn interest on them. aRMM tokens are integrated with liquidity protocols, making it easier to trade them without the need for intermediaries.

Through aRMM tokens, RealT enables more efficient trading and portfolio diversification. The advantages of integrating these tokens on 1inch allow users to:

  • Earn interest until the transaction is completed
  • All transactions can be carried out in a single operation on 1inch, without the need for users to withdraw liquidity from the RMM, then do the research to find the best route to make the swap in the most efficient manner.

Integrating REG and aRMMV3 tokens with 1inch provides a significant advantage for RealT investors. While traders can freely trade REG tokens on most major DEXs, the 1inch integration provides an additional layer of convenience for the community.

This strategic development not only improves liquidity and efficiency within RealT’s ecosystem but also highlights the transformative potential of DeFi innovations in the RWA sector. For more information and to start swapping, visit 1inch and explore the opportunities that await.

Take a look at the properties available on RealT: https://realt.co/ and follow our social media below.






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