RealTokens in Uniswap

A short guide on Buying / Selling RealTokens inside the Uniswap Exchange

David Hoffman
5 min readNov 26, 2019

Select RealT properties are available for buying & selling inside the Uniswap decentralized exchange. If you’re not familiar with how Uniswap works, this article will guide you through the process.

RealTokens Don’t Automatically Appear in Uniswap

When you go to Uniswap, and select a token to purchase, searching for the name of the token won’t result in the token appearing (sorry 😔). This is because RealTokens are a unique token contract, that Uniswap isn’t used to working with.

Instead, there are two ways to access the exchanges for each property.

  1. Copy+Paste the token contract address into the search field
  2. Click the exchange address URL

Each property has their own unique exchange, with it’s own unique link or exchange address. You’ll find those belowe.

9943 Marlowe

The 9943 Marlowe Token Contract address is:


Exchange Link:

16200 Fullerton

The 16220 Fullerton Token Contract address is:


Exchange Link:

The 9336 Patton Token Contract is:

Exchange Link

Exchange on Etherscan

Buying Tokens


The easiest method to engage with Uniswap is through the MetaMask browser extension wallet.

Get MetaMask

Installing MetaMask will put a small orange Fox 🦊 icon in your browser extension bar. You will need to either import your whitelisted Ethereum address, or if you are using a hardware wallet (Trezor or Ledger), and you have that address whitelisted, you can use that inside MetaMask.

Buying / Selling

Through Uniswap, buying RealTokens can be done with any other token available on the exchange. However, most trades will be done with either ETH (Ether) or DAI (A US-Dollar Stablecoin).

  1. Click ‘Select Token”

2. Copy+Paste in the token contract address of the token you want to trade

3. Input the amount of ETH you want to sell, or RealTokens you want to buy

4. If you want to purchase with Dai, you’ll need to enable Uniswap permission to access your Dai.

5. MetaMask will prompt you like this. This is normal.

6. When you’re ready, hit ‘Swap’.

The MetaMask browser extension will pop up and display something like this. Hit confirm to trade!

If nothing happens when you hit swap, it is highly likely it is because you are not on the whitelist for that particular token.

7. In order to Sell RealTokens, you go through the same process described above, but hit the small blue arrow between the Input and Output fields to swap them!

Adding Liquidity To the RealToken Exchange

Uniswap works by enabling anyone to come and supply liquidity to the Uniswap exchange. Uniswap charges every trade 0.3%, and gives it to the collective Uniswap liquidity providers. When you make a trade, 0.3% is left inside the exchange, and is withdraw-able by anyone who has a claim on the assets in the Uniswap Pool.

In order to supply liquidity to the RealToken exchange, you will need an equal amount of value of RealTokens and ETH. If you have 1x 16200 Fullerton Token, you will need ~$161.84 worth of ETH.

You will deposit both of them to the Uniswap pool, and you will begin collecting fees inside the exchange.

Withdrawing Liquidity

Withdrawing liquidity is very simple. Hit the small carrot button indicated below.

Hit ‘Remove Liquidity’

You will see your total percentage share of the pool, and how much of each token you have a claim on. Hit ‘Remove Liquidity’ below, and approve the transaction in MetaMask.

What happens to my Rent, if I have my RealTokens inside Uniswap?

Providing liquidity to Uniswap removes the RealTokens from your Ethereum wallet, and instead gives you a ‘receipt’ token.

Fullerton Uniswap Receipt Token:

Marlowe Uniswap Receipt Token

Rental payments are not sent to RealTokens inside of Uniswap; they wouldn’t be accessible by anyone. Instead, the rent owed to the collective tokens inside Uniswap are sent to the owners of the Uniswap receipt tokens.

In the future, this will be different.

A coming update to RealT will enable much more active management on rental payments at the hands of the user, but this will work for now!

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David Hoffman

Chief of Operations @realtplatform. The Ethereum side of @POVCryptopod. Bringing Ethereum to the world through writing and speaking. Read my medium👇🏼