Looking back at 2019 and welcoming 2020 with RealTract

RealTract Network
RealTract Network
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2020

First of all, RealTract team would like to deeply thank the whole community. You are the motivation for us to constantly develop, the reason for the project to reach this point and make sure that the spirit will lead RealTract to success in the future.

Vision and mission

Launched in 2018, RealTract is a project that does not implement ICOs, IEOs or any form of funding. RealTract aims to develop a distinctive strategy to inspire all developers, who share a common vision and endless passion, believing that Blockchain technology will change the way the world’s economies operate in future, just like the Internet has revolutionized our planet. RealTract Network was born with the mission to creating a Blockchain 4.0 with outstanding advantages compared to current Blockchain platforms, along with a series of proprietary technologies developed by RealTract team such as the consensus mechanism Proof-of-Honor, “privacy-on-demand” — Sec.RET and Smartcontract 2.0 (Smart contract for everyone). RealTract or RETchain will be a perfect complement and balance between Blockchain technology and the real world, ensuring absolute practical application.

Our achievements

2019 had been a special year for the cryptocurrency market when the purification between quality projects and “all talk, no action” projects has clearly shown. RealTract team is very proud to have gained the market attention by successfully creating Blockchain 4.0 and witnessed a boom in our market capacity, making it into the top 100 cryptocurrencies according to Coinmarketcap with a strong support from the Korean community, Vietnam, India, European countries, Africa,…

Our lessons

From a negative perspective, 2019 is also a difficult year for the RealTract project. The terrible drop in the Bitsonic exchange because some “foreign” investors exploited the liquidity through the RET token has caused an uncontrolled price slippage here. Our efforts to save the RET token’s price at Bitsonic became more difficult as the Bitsonic token’s price also dropped by more than 50 times of the initial price after opening the liquidity gateway. We are currently executing plans to restore and help RET token investors at Bitsonic and will notify the community if new information becomes available. Subsequently, numerous cyber attacks had stolen a vast number of RET tokens, leading to negative price movements. At the peak of the difficulty, the world’s top 5 trading platform — IDAX falls into a state of withdrawal inability, leaving most of the development cost of the project stuck here and especially the loss of investors of RET token at IDAX.

After all these difficulties, it has come to our realization that this is a great motivation for us to complete RETchain, organize upcoming future plans and commence the technology transfer process for RET tokens, ensuring better security for the project and the safety of investors. Most importantly, it is the optimism of the RealTract team and the community is growing stronger and continues to move forward to success.

2020 and beyond

RealTract team is very confident about our plans in 2020, implementing the core values of the project, technology, focusing on market development and looking for partners who can apply RETchain in how their organization operates and special programs for the community of Realtract Network supporters.

We wish that you will always accompany us through the good and bad times. The reward wil certainly be worth for those who deserve it!

