RealtyX 10 ETH

RealtyX Pilot Launch 10 ETH Raffle — Here Are the Rules

RealtyX DAO
6 min readMar 14, 2024


In this document, you will find rules meticulously crafted to guide the RealtyX Pilot Launch Raffle event, ensuring its fairness and transparency. Developed by RealtyX, these guidelines will provide participants with a thorough understanding of their eligibility, the criteria for participation, and their odds of winning.

1. luckynumber Generation Rules

  • Assignment of lucky numbers: luckynumbers are allocated based on the sequence in which users buy RST property tokens. Specifically, those who make their purchases earlier are assigned lower lucky numbers, reflecting their priority in the purchase timeline. For example,
  • If User A is the first to purchase an RST token and also meets the raffle conditions, i.e., holds a RealtyX Launch Pass, then their LuckyNumber) would be “0”.
  • Dynamic Raffle Entries: In the raffle, LuckyNumbers are updated each round, as numbers from previous wins are excluded. This process changes the order of numbers, making a user’s lucky number variable across rounds. Users are advised to check their current luckynumber in the latest round for accuracy.

2. Criteria for Raffle Participation

The RealtyX Launch Pass enables users to secure multiple entries in the raffle, each represented by a unique luckynumber. The number of entries available to a user is directly linked to their holdings in RST tokens, as outlined below.

RST Token Requirements

  • Holdings beyond $50 in RST allow for the use of 1 Launch Pass.
  • Holdings beyond $500 in RST allow for the use of 2 Launch Passes.
  • Holdings beyond $1,000 in RST allow for the use of 3 Launch Passes.
  • Holdings beyond $2,000 in RST allow for the use of 5 Launch Passes.

Rules for Multiple Launch Pass Holders:

Users holding multiple qualifying Launch Passes are eligible for consecutive raffle draws, including those who have won in previous rounds. It should be emphasized, however, that if a user wins in one round, their total number of available entries for subsequent draws will decrease by one, while remaining eligible.

Example Scenario:

  • If a user possesses 2 numbers in a prior draw, labeled “1” and “2,” and “1” is drawn as a winner luckynumber, the user remains eligible for subsequent rounds.
  • It is important to consider that the sequence and availability of said lukcynumbers may be subject to alteration.
  • Consequently, luckynumber “2” in this case, may not persist as the user’s lukcynumber into the next draw.
  • Users are advised to double-check their most current luckynumber at the onset of each drawing period.

If a user won in the previous round and used a Launch Pass, they can still participate in the new round by purchasing RST and using new Launch Passes.

Example Scenario:

  • In the first raffle round, User A held $50 worth of RST and possessed a Launch Pass. User A successfully won in the draw.
  • When the second round of RST sales started, User A purchased additional RST, and now holds a total of $500 worth of RST.
  • Based on the latest RST holdings, User A qualifies to use two Launch Passes. However, the user used his only Launch Pass in the previous.
  • Therefore, the user needs to acquire another 2 Passes, either through qualifying for the minting of two Passes in the primary market or purchasing two additional Passes from the secondary market to participate in the second-round draw.

3. Prize Pool

  • Creating the Prize Pool: The prize pool generates one prize for each 10% achieved in sales revenue.
  • Upon achieving the 100% sales goal, the prize pool will comprise 10 prizes in total. These will be distributed among 10 fortunate Launch Pass holders. Prizes escalate in value at each milestone, specified as follows:
ReatlyX RST Token Sale Milestone Breakdown
ReatlyX RST Token Sale Milestone Breakdown

4. Drawing Process

Step 1: Determine Snapshot for the Raffle:

  • Based on the pace of actual sales, every 10% of RST tokens sold translates to a specific block height, such as 8783337 ( We will publicly announce the snapshot result.

Step 2: Create the Raffle List through Based on the Snapshot:

  • At that particular block height, we will identify wallet addresses owning NFTs and those that have engaged in RST token purchase activities.
  • According to our guidelines, we will then create the following Eligible Drawer List (Image 1) with eligible users.
  • We will disclose the details of this list pool.
RealtyX Lucky Draw 10 ETH
Image 1

Step 3: Onchain Drawing

Step 4: View the Raffle Result

  • Once the draw is complete, the results are immediately recorded on the blockchain, allowing anyone to view the outcome through the transaction link. Each draw generates a transaction record similar to the following:
  • (
  • In the lower right corner of Image 2, highlighted in a red box, the number 5 indicates the maximum number of participants in the current raffle round.
  • Within the logs (Image 3), we can identify that the winning result ID for this round is 4. Referencing the Eligible Drawer List mentioned above (Image 1), we can conclude the following:
  • The address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000003 is the prize winner of this round (see Image 3 for reference).
10 ETH Raffle RealtyX transaction details
Image 2
Image 3

**Note: The online raffle contract conducts several test draws to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the drawing mechanism. Only one draw during the designated period will be deemed the official lottery result. Please refer to our announcement for the definitive transaction record.

5. Checking Prizes:

  • We will make a Google Sheet available for users to check their lukcynumbers for each round.
  • Sheet (To Be Confirmed)

Explanation of column titles in the sheet:

More about RealtyX

RealtyX is a Real World Asset (RWA) project built on the blockchain, designed to give global users access to the real estate market. Through tokenization, investors can purchase shares in physical properties, without the need to own it in its entirety.

Join RealtyX to learn more



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The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. None of the content constitutes financial advice, and it should not be considered as such. Users are strongly encouraged to conduct their own research and consult with personal financial advisors before making any financial decisions or investments. The content presented here is not intended to be a substitute for professional financial advice, and we do not assume any responsibility for actions taken based on the information provided.



RealtyX DAO

Head of Marketing at RealtyX DAO. Exploring NFTs and the metaverse