[Tech]Detailed Transitions of Environment Processing Phases

ReapChain Official
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2021

1. Standby Status: Waits for status change proposal of new block.

2. Block Status Change Request: Proposal (T-Proposal): Front node receives transaction (Tx) which requests for status change from proposer.

3. Front node accesses Qmanager before block generation to make request (with its signature included) for ExtraData generation for consensus and waits for response.

4. Qmanager (Q-Work): Qmanager works on ExtraData generation for consensus. In particular, it encrypts coordinator and steering committee candidates information, as well as quantum random numbers fore their recognition, transform them into ExtraData, and transmit them to awating front nodes.

Qmanager Notification (Q-Request): Qmanager uses public key of front node to transmit the encrypted Extra Date information after generating Extra Data and the front node receiving the information validates the Extra Data by validating its signature by using its own private key.

5. Front Notification (F-Request): Front node adds and updates the Extra Data item of a proposed block and transmits new Bx to all nodes after validating to make sure that there is no abnormality.

6. Selection of Coordinator and Steering Committee Candidate Group: Selection of Coordinator: Each standing committee node first decodes a quantum random number list identifier, the last item of the Extra Data to verify the public key hash value, and to check whether he/she is a coordinator or not. A verified coordinator decodes the item contents with a public key to obtain a quantum random number list of the steering committee candidates.

Selection of Steering Committee Candidate Group: Each general node decodes receiving ExtraData to check whether the network information (node net-info, nni) of the coordinator and the applicable node belong to the candidate group. Thus, preparing those nodes that are verified as steering committee candidates for registration into the steering committee with the coordinator.

7. Coordinator Confirmation (C-Confirm): A verified coordinator has access to Qmanager to notify and confirm that it has registered as a coordinator.

8. Coordinator Notification (C- Request): A coordinator uses public keys of subject nodes (standing committee + steering committee candidates) to notify that it has been selected as the coordinator and configures the internal network.

9. Racing: The steering committee candidate nodes, receiving notification of registration from the coordinator, start the registration process (racing) on a first-come, first-serve basis.

10. Steering Committee Finalization (D-Select Completed): The coordinator validated the registered nodes and finalized the steering committee with the first 15 nodes that had registered.

11. Block Validation (D-Validate): Validator nodes, i.e. (standing committee + steering committee), upon validation, notify the coordinator with the validation message, and the coordinator waits until 2/3 are validated.

12. Validation (D-Commit): The coordinator propagated the result of block validation (i.e., hash validation from the Genesis block to the current block) to all nodes when the verification node reported as usual.

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