[Partners #12]Reapchain x KAIST ITTP

ReapChain Official
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2021

Hello^^ This is CMreap team.

We are back with the content “Introduction to Reapchain’s Major Partners”!

Following the partner “Finplus” introduced last day, the partner I will introduce today is “KAIST ITTP”.

The Internet of Things (IoT) block chain mainnet project ReapChain (CEO Lee Jeong-han, Kim Woo-jeong) was launched on October 5, 2020 with the KAIST ITTP (Global Information & Telecommunication Technology Program) to discover and commercialize business models in the global ICT business field. An MOU was signed.

ReapChain signed this agreement with KAIST ITTP, which has abundant IT global infrastructure, to expand and materialize overseas business capabilities. Through this agreement, ITTP plans to spread the technology and business model of ReapChain to various overseas ICT business fields by utilizing its global ICT network. In addition, he said that it would jointly discover ICT projects in each country by sharing networks of government officials, public servants, and researchers of overseas government departments and national research centers that completed the ITTP course with ReapChain.

KAIST ITTP is a master’s and doctoral education program that selects 15 to 25 civil servants from emerging countries every year since 2006 to strengthen international cooperation and build human networks to experience and learn Korea’s advanced technology and business strategy . Through this process, ITTP fosters IT experts in emerging countries and builds ICT networks, leading to business collaboration in various ICT business fields.

ReapChain aims to provide a blockchain ecosystem that can be used in practice for all DApps that require blockchain technology by solving the blockchain trilemma. ReapChain is expanding its business areas to IoT, online voting, and digital asset (DABS), and is striving to build a blockchain ecosystem that can be experienced in real life beyond IoT.

ReapChain CEO Jeonghan Lee said, “With ITTP’s rich network in the global IT field, we have been able to provide an opportunity to deliver ReapChain’s technology and business strategy to emerging countries. We are looking forward to the progress of our overseas business.”

Meanwhile, ReapChain was established to realize the blockchainization of the IoT industry through ReapChain BaaS (Blockchain as a Service). As of the third quarter of 2020, it aims to be listed on the exchange. The mainnet is scheduled to officially open in the second half of 2021. As a subsidiary of LN Venture Group, Coinvest and Reappay are major affiliates.

193, Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea Tel +82–42–350–6845(6393) Fax. +82–42–350–6858

Copyright © 2015, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, All Rights Reserved.

KAIST ITTP x Reapchain,

I’m looking forward to the future! 😊

That was the CMreap team!

Lastly, We’ll attach related articles and links beneath!


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