[Partners #3] ICTK Holdings x Reapchain
Hello^^ This is CMreap team.
We are back with the content “Introduction to Reapchain’s Major Partners”!
Following the partner “SYNOSIA” introduced last week, the partner I will introduce today is “ICTK Holdings”
What is ICTK Holdings?
ICTK Holdings is a company that has commercialized a data security technology called physical copy protection(PUF). It has acquired IoT certification from Amazon Web Services (AWS) for its IoT device security solution “Trust-Fi”.
So, what was the partnership with Reapchain?
Reapchain has signed a business agreement with ICTK Holdings on the 17th, December, 2020 to establish a mutual strategic partnership for cooperation in the field of “Things PID-based IoT security logistics system”.
In the future, through this business agreement, the two companies plan to build their own IoT security logistics system that applies object PID, that is, object authentication system and data copy prevention (PUF) technology.
By applying advanced technologies such as IoT terminal authentication and security technology, they plan to cooperate with the development and commercialization of a blockchain-based improved cold chain, that is, a low-temperature distribution system service platform.
Jake Lee, CEO of ReapChain, said, “We are planning various projects and collaborations based on the technology and confidence gained through the development of ReapChain.”
ICTK Holdings x Reapchain, I’m looking forward to the future! 😊
That was the CMreap team!
Lastly, We’ll attach related articles and links beneath!
Reapchain and ICTK Holdings Join Hands to Build ‘IoT Secure Logistics System’
Reapchain and ICTK Holdings Collaborate on ‘IoT Secure Logistics System’
★Partner’s website and information
Site: https://www.ictk-puf.com/
Address: 3rd F/L, Venture Forum B/D, 323, Pangyo-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
1516, tower A, baoyuan huafeng economic headquarters building, №288, xixiang avenue,baoan district, Shenzhen
Email: puf@ictk.com
Tel: +82–31–739–7894
Fax: +82–31–739–7891
★ ReapChain Official Community
Homepage: https://reapchain.com/
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReapChain/
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Partnership and Affiliation Inquiries: reapchain@reapchain.com
Investment and Sale Inquiries: sale@reapchain.com
Project Inquiries : reapchain.official@reapchain.com