Go to Rear View Mirror
Rear View Mirror
A few decades of my poetry from first to most recent.
Note from the editor

A few decades of my poetry from first to most recent, warts and all, in roughly remembered order. My first effort was written around the age of 16 with a piece of slate onto another piece of slate near the edge of a quarry in North Wales. Since then the years have sped by and 4 decades later I’ve now found a very different medium to put my thoughts down on. If I had one ambition for my sporadic attempts at encapsulating emotion it would be that one poem might achieve sufficient beauty to survive as my own scribble of rock art for even though the technology has changed we’re all in our own way still scratching on rocks and hoping to be remembered.

Go to the profile of John Copestake
John Copestake
Uncanny tales (Pier 13), short fiction, some poetry (Rear View Mirror) and stuff.
Go to the profile of John Copestake
John Copestake
Uncanny tales (Pier 13), short fiction, some poetry (Rear View Mirror) and stuff.