For this is It

John Copestake
Rear View Mirror
Published in
1 min readSep 16, 2018


The only thing you can be, exists in this


For there is nothing else but shadows


Like hands waving on a distant shore.


Had anyone heard you out there in the


Would they have moved closer to see

you wave?

Or would they have left you drowning?


Whilst somewhere else entirely a train pulled to a halt

And in some dusty station then stood for a while, while

waiting, for someone to notice the Meadowsweet.

Before chugging off into some future.


Is this why wine comes cloying in at the


And love enters, welcomed by the eye,

all rose tinted.

Grasping for some sort of existence.


While you lie still at night, all of a sweat and


As the wheels of your mind briefly grind to a


All perceived through a patchy realm of neurons.


Listen to laughter carried on the wind, all tenacious.

A fleeting confirmation of all those moments which

Flirt with reality whilst seeming to confirm existence.

Before consciousness, fades into the night.


(November, 2016)




John Copestake
Rear View Mirror

Uncanny tales (Pier 13), short fiction, some poetry (Rear View Mirror) and stuff.