John Copestake
Rear View Mirror
Published in
Oct 2, 2021



I only knew you for a while.

While I gazed out on rooftops

You sat, patient, for your tea.

Crumbling slates, tiles and gardens, viewed from on high, a mosaic of life, seen from your kitchen window.

Which overlooked a maze of jumbled lives, all hidden under monuments - red and grey.

Sandstone and slate, punctuated with bitumen, all holding firm against the elements, for now.

While their aging occupants fortified themselves with central heating and porridge, against the last day, yet to come.

I only knew you for a while.

But I carry you with me still

In memory, patient, for your tea.





John Copestake
Rear View Mirror

Uncanny tales (Pier 13), short fiction, some poetry (Rear View Mirror) and stuff.