There is a Wishing Tree

John Copestake
Rear View Mirror
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2018



There is a wishing tree.

I stood about,

Surveying its sublime light.

Dappled colours and quilted arms

Extending, about the bole.

Fat in its existence, though

Autumn was new and the

Leaves had begun to peel.

A russet hue. They say,

If you walk around

The wishing tree,

Backwards, three times then,

Your wish will come true.

Walking backwards through time.

Stumbling paces, fingers guiding

Over its excess. This the

texture of its bark.

I wished for the future.

My love with you. Pacing in duet.

Our heels scouring a path

On gnarled roots.

Exposed to sweet dew.

The tree remains there still.

Yearly its beauty renewed.

If I again embraced those roots

Now, to turn back time.

To relive those days.

My love in bloom.

My youth and my lost, to live again.

My grey turn to Moorish hue.


(October, 2003)

Tree with Moss.



John Copestake
Rear View Mirror

Uncanny tales (Pier 13), short fiction, some poetry (Rear View Mirror) and stuff.