The Valentine Stories

Rafeed Chowdhury
Published in
29 min readFeb 14, 2018

My Demon

Mohaimenul Nicholas

It seemed as if the Holy Light of heaven had been poured upon the moon that night. It radiated mystical light. I have never seen such effulgence before. As I gazed upon the irradiated night sky, a baffling melody swept past my mind. A melody that wasn’t attractive at all. But I couldn’t resist hearing it. The melody reflected the tormented voice of a dead chicken. It was rather bewildering. Yet, I couldn’t resist.

At last, I couldn’t help but pay attention to the source of such a blabbering humming. ‘Could you please stop? I’m trying to see the sky. If you please.’ I said.

There was an instant reply ‘ I like to hum. And I will continue doing it till I feel like you stop.’

‘But you sound like a zombie being strangled into the afterlife’.

There was not a reply but the torment of the chicken increased significantly.

Trying not to pay attention, I wandered about myself. I thought of my life. The people I knew and what I was doing? There was not an answer within me. But I enjoyed it anyway.

As all these went through my mind, I couldn’t help but notice the surroundings. Apart from a beautifully horrifying moon upon a sea of stars,there were a few flowers in the distant background I saw from my balcony. They were violets. Beautiful and fragrant.

Gradually my mind wandered off to the time I was possessed. It was one of the most wonderful things that ever happened to me.

I was all by myself when a demon came inside. The most beautiful demon ever. A demon that had big, pointy eyes. A demon that lightened the darkest places. A demon that seemed to be the other half of me.

I tried my best. I tried my best to become friends with this demon. It didn’t happen ever until we bumped into each other before going down the battlefield of one of the most extreme subject tests.

That’s the moment when we exchanged glances. A simple curving of the lips to represent a smile. And there I was suffering with the most excruciating pain that Cupids arrow had to give.

The demon started talking to me after that. Slowly I got to know more about the demon.

This demon had a diversed appetite. It liked pizza and gobbled up burgers. It liked flowers but it hated orchids. Amazingly this demon liked to ponder about darkness and light. Truly amazing for such a creature.

I still remember the time I started to become close with this demon. It manipulated me into doing various sins, tell lies and make stories.

Once it happened that this demon and I went to a store. It was craving for a bit of chocolate and I had an empty pocket . As I confessed this, a very dark thought came over its mind.

‘Well… Who says that we need money?’ it whispered sensuously into my ears. As if it was trying to seduce me.

I didn’t understand what it meant but the whisper overwhelmed my manly senses and an involuntary goosebump.

Slowly we crept in and it started to look at the various chocolates. Cadbury silks, KitKat whites, Snickers and so much more : all arranged in shelves.

There were a lot of customers and the salesmen were busy comforting the delicacies of them.

I, being the idiot I am was looking at a young lady right near the counter. I was checking her out. Her curves were curvier than that of the hottest models of that time.

‘ Let’s leave. I’ll be right outside’ said the demon in a hurry.

Floating in utter confusion I followed its footsteps and left the store and the opportunity observing a curvy babe.

As I went past the exit I saw a sight that blowed my mind away into millions if fragments with a variety of sensations sealed upon them : fear, laughter and amusement.

It took a shiny Cadbury out of its bosom and started to tear it. In order to take a bite.

‘What the heck did you just do?’ I asked.

‘I told ya…we need no money’ was the reply. Rather than feeling guilty it offered me a bite.

Being helpless I obeyed the command of the demon that I was so fascinated with.

As we started walking a very deadly question was thrown at me.

‘How did it feel to stare at that witch? Did it make you satisfied? Had fun?

I was left without an answer. But that night I understood something as I looked across the evening zenith — my demon was mine and I belonged to it.

Months went by and we were becoming more fond of each other. Years went by and we were head over heels for each other. So many crimes, so many memories and so much more had already been done. Finally it was the time I made up my mind to confess.

It was the month of February and there was still a stuffy cold lingering about. I called my demon.

It didn’t pick up.

I tried several more times. But it was out of reach.

Broken,shattered and afraid I was at that time. So many thoughts exploded in my tiny head.

Did she find out? Did she get to know about my feelings? Did anyone tell her?

It was then that the idiotic side of me took over. I still remember what I texted her.

Dear Boo.

If you are my life. You’re a puzzle piece that I always looked for. Do you remember the first glance we exchanged back at time of our Olev? That was the brightest day of my life. I know we’ve been friends for years now. I don’t know how you found this out. But it’s true. Do you remember how happy you were when I got my job. You’re smile gave me the motivation to continue up the ladder of succes. Do you remember the time you cried when my mother was very sick. That made me feel so much for you. You’re a demon. A very dark one. Influencing me to steal chocolates… Make prank calls and kick cats. Bub you are what you are. You are mine. Mine and mine alone. My other half. My love. You’re my boo. I know I call you a genderless demon but you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever got to know in my life. And I’m up for you no matter what.

It had been hours that I sent the text message. There was not a reply.

Suddenly my phone rang and it was her.

As I received the phone there was not a single sound but afterward this is what followed by :

You idiot. You disgusting fish. You weirdo.

As these words went to my ears I could feel my heart shattering to shards that didn’t fall apart just yet. But the statement weren’t over.

It took you all these years to confess this. And what makes you think that I’m a demon. Even if I am I would not eat the heart of anyone else except you. I am yours and yours only. Just yours. I know I’m a lunatic but I feel happy to be me in front of you. It feels as if I’m in the arms of someone who would never let go of me. You are an idiot. You could’ve said it to me by meeting me. I was in the doctor’s chamber with papa. That’s why I could not reply instantly. I love you boooo. I really do.

Tears went down my eyes and I couldn’t help but smile at the same time. I had done it. I had taken control over my demon. I had made my boo mine forever and ever.

She ended the entire lecture saying ‘Happy Valentines day. I’m your valentine and will always be’

Ever since then we stayed together and the story ended with us getting married.

As I came back to my senses I realized that I had her head over my shoulder and the moon was still there. It was Valentines day again. Our anniversary.

I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine. No words were spoken but our eyes spoke a lot.

There we were. Sitting all by ourselves in the balcony of our apartment. Our children were sleeping, my parents were asleep.

Just like the old times, she came close to me and whispered down my ear ‘I love you Boo. You’re my valentine.’

First Love

Rabeya Binta Ali

I am right now at a gift shop buying gifts for the Valentine’s Day. I brought a heart sharped card filled with lovely messages for “the loved one” and a tie. I asked the shopkeeper to gift wrap and parcel it. The shopkeeper asked me to leave a note on the parcel. So I left a note saying “For my first love”.

As soon as I reached home it started raining heavily. The environment got clumsy and nostalgic. So, I grabbed a cup of hot coffee and started staring at the photos hanged on the wall. My eyes got teary reminiscing the most cheerful and happy face in the photos.

For the past 15 years I have been living with my Papa. My mom died in a car accident 15years ago. I was only 12 back then. Naturally we were terrified and shattered at the incident. But my dad played it strong and took care of me. Since then till date he never let me feel the absence of my mom. He even made unconditional compromises to his professional career just to take care of me. Though he used to mess up at times by dressing me up more like a boy and burning the food. But every time I felt sad and thought I wasn’t pretty enough like other girls my dad assured me I was his princess and the prettiest girl he ever encountered. Every time I was hungry and upset he took me to my favorite restaurant for dinner. Whenever I was scared after watching a horror movie, he stayed up all night ensuring me I was safe. He used to fulfill all my wants and wishes even before I could realize them.

As time passed by I realized that dad misses mom more than anyone else. A lot of people including me asked him to go for a 2nd marriage but dad kept rejecting saying he doesn’t need anyone else. So I decided to take care of us just like how mom used to take care of us. I started keeping a track of dad’s medicines, arranging his closets, ensuring his proper diet, tying his tie and resisting him from eating that extra share of desserts. We used to gift each other on every small and big occasion be it Friendship day or Valentine’s Day. Because we were each other’s only family and friend. A few months back I went on a trip alone without my father. There I met a guy whose personality was reminding me of my dad’s persona. Gradually we became friends. He was the only person in the world after my dad to think I was the prettiest girl he met. And yes we fell in love. When I told my dad about him. Dad didn’t rebuke me for once. He believed I can never be wrong about my life decisions. Dad met his parents and fixed our marriage. A month back dad bided me off with a big smile and unshed tears in a grand ceremony. Today it’s my first Valentine’s Day with my husband after marriage. Though I am living a happy married life with the love of my life but still the first one who came to mind even today was my dad. I was missing us. Though I had parceled him the gift but I couldn’t wish him face to face this time.

So I texted him — “Happy Valentine’s Day dad. Love your Princess”

A reply came- “Happy Valentine’s Day princess. Why are you still wishing me today? You have your love with you now.”

-”But you will always be my first love dad.”

Dear Next Door Neighbor

Sadia Eliza

Dear nextdoor neighbour,

I hope your husband is treating you well. If he took you to Paris for honeymoon, trust me I’d something better planned for us. Little does he know how you long for the sea breeze in Hawaii, he will never know you like I do.

As for your ex, he’s doing okay. He never got over you, but he manages to smile and sing romantic songs for his new girl from work. I know you’d want a little description of her now , don’t worry, she’s not as beautiful as you .

Your plants are fine. I water them everyday , Aunty often forgets to do it. After you left she has become lonelier and spends her day doing embroideries.

At this point , you’d want to know how I am doing , at least I hope that u ask that .

You never really bothered much about me , did you? I can’t really say I am sad that you are gone, you were never really mine. I just miss hearing your voice at night , talking so happily with your boyfriend over the phone. And I? Hid behind the hanging clothes in my veranda , trying to catch a glimpse of you. I remember trying to keep my limbs stiff , not to make any movement and scare you away. But at the end you did get away.

So if you ever think your husband knows you well, don’t be mistaken miss, pardon me, “MISSES”. No one can never understand you like I do.

Yours sincerely ,

The Boy Nextdoor

Love Conquers All

Shadman Anoy

Love Conquers All

(Ting!) Message pops up in my phone. It’s 7:32 in the morning and I’m half-asleep. As soon as phone rings up, I unlock it to check who messaged me. It was Rimi.
Rimi is the girl I’ve been dating for almost a year now. And it’s a habit of her, waking me up every morning because I never do that myself.
“Good Morning, love,” she messaged.
“Good Morning, Princess,” I message back.
Princess is her favourite nickname. After her father, I was the first boy ever who called her by that nickname.
It is 13th of February, 3 days before our first anniversary. I was under my blanket and I could still feel cold. My reply to her message gets replied back in a few moments.
“Wake up, boy. You’ve got to finish your programming. Rafeed bhai will kill you otherwise.”
“I’m up, don’t worry. And Rafeed bhai loves me. He won’t do something like that :P”
The conversation closes up. Rafeed bhaiya is the founder of an organization I’ve been working for recently and the website for it, needs to be completed soon. Bhaiya has been forcing me to wrap up the programming because it’s pretty late already.
I get off my bed, walk to the washroom and brush my teeth properly. I get fresh and I get back to the bed. It’s like an addiction to me that makes me stay disciplined. If not, I feel suffocating. So, I set my bed the right way and then walk down the stairs, straight to the dining hall.
I live in a duplex house my father bought when I took birth 21 years ago with my uncle and aunt. The house is pretty big for 3 persons only. When I reach the hall, I see Aunt Sara bringing food to the table from the attached kitchen. The smell is attractive. Uncle Reza is right there at the end of the table, going through the pages of the newspaper. I sit down and start taking bites from the sandwich aunt made.
“You have cultivated a good habit of waking up on time, Riyad. That’s good work.”
“Thanks, uncle. My alarm (I mean, my girlfriend) works properly.”
“So, you have any plans today?”
“Breakfast outside, as usual. Then I’ll be getting to my friend’s house probably, not sure.”
Uncle and aunt never gave birth to a child. I’ve been living with them ever since my parents left. And after 8 years, I make them feel like I’m their son. These 8 years go to both my parent’s death and uncle’s marriage.
When I’m done, I get up back to my room and start getting dressed. Rimi always does breakfast with me and I have never been into homemade food. We have our common place where we usually go for breakfast and lunch. Our date is at 9 o’clock sharp and I have a habit of reaching the locations earlier. So, I get out early and therefore, reach early as well.
Rimi reaches in next the five minutes. We walk inside the restaurant and we sit down at our usual table.
“You look handsome this morning.”
“And you look beautiful,” I say.
She’s wearing a beautiful blue kamiz with attractive artwork on it. She is also wearing a black bracelet and black heels, has black mascara on her eyes and a dark lipstick. Dark lips always suited her best. And the first time I told her that, she never stopped using dark lipsticks ever since. Well, I don’t usually allow her to do that when she’s not with me. You know what I mean.
“Let’s have something different today, shall we?”
“Okay. Take your pick,” she says.
“With pleasure. Oh, by the way, have you been planning something for tomorrow?”
“What’s so special about tmrw?” I ask.
“Tomorrow’s 14th Feb. You know what that means right? Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day,” she says.
“I would like not to celebrate. That okay?”
She doesn’t seem happy. Of course she’s not happy. But Valentine’s Day is something else for me and I would rather not think about it.
“Why not, Riyad? I would like to know.”
“And I would rather not talk about it.”
“Wait. Is this the day…?”
“Yes, it is. 14th February is the day both my parents died.”
“You never told me that. I mean, we never talked about the date or what really happened. So, were they out on a Valentine’s Day Date?”
“Affirmative. And their car got hit by a truck, someone who was also getting back home to his wife to spend time with her after a long, tiring day, probably. He was saved anyways.”
“Hey, we can’t do anything about it, babe. We talked about this. You have to let this go.”
“Rim, this is the day when I caught Zaheen cheating me. Damn she kissed another guy right in front of my eyes!”
“Weren’t they drunk? You told me…”
“I know what I told you! She lied to me about going to a party. And then she got drunk and some other boy took the advantage and she pushed forward with all the fun. My bad I reached there late.”
“Are you trying to say that Valentine’s Day is kinda curse to you?”
“You know what? I’m gonna leave. I need some space,” I said.
I get off the table and she pulls my hand. She stops me and pulls me down to sit back. She apologizes. I’m not in a great mood anymore. I feel sorry for myself.
“Talk to me, okay? Let’s sort this out.”
“There’s nothing to be sorted out,” I say.
“Riyad, you can’t hold onto these memories forever. You need to move forward. You really do.”
“Well, I can’t! This day… It… It haunts me, Rimi. I can’t do this.”
“You have me with you. I’ll be here.”
“I really need some space. I’m sorry.”
I leave the restaurant, without having the proper breakfast. We didn’t even order food which explains how much consumed we were in the conversation.
I return home, don’t turn back to see where she went. I won’t call her, not intending to. I leave my phone up at my desk and silence it. I close the door and sit down in the corner. My head has hit hard. Those memories are circling back and I cannot think straight. I get up on the bed after this and I fall asleep.

Few hours later…
My eyes open, slowly. I start recalling what has been going on and I realize that something terrible’s been happening. I recall everything and jump towards my phone to check it. 31 missed calls. I unlock my phone and figure out that Rimi has called 27 times. Ramisa, Rimi’s elder sister called twice and my best friend has the remaining calls occupied.
It seems it has been 3 hours I’ve been sleeping. I call back Rimi immediately but discover her number busy. Probably I’ve hurt her bad. I definitely have. I end up calling her sister, Ramisa. The phone rings. And after a bit, she receives the call.
“Hey bruh-in-law. You alright? I heard what happened.
“I’m fine. I tried calling Rimi, but she’s unreachable. You know what’s going on?”
“It’s not like we live in the same house, right? I haven’t any idea, brother.”
“I need to apologize to her. I behaved rudely.”
“You probably should. But you also need some advise.”
“Sure! We would be still on a break if you weren’t there as advisor.”
Ramisa is the savior of our relationship. I have always been the hot head and Rimi, the calm queen. Ramisa is the person who always made me realize that I was being immature. If it wasn’t for her, we probably could never come this far. It’s been over two months since we last talked and if we are talking at this very moment, it sure is important.
“Brother, look, Rim told me everything. And I really know how you were feeling. But, have it this way. She’s not wrong. You have to move on.”
“I don’t want to hear the same shit, sis.”
“Hear me out, Riyad.”
“Go ahead.”
“Always keep in mind. Neither every relation, nor every person is the same. Your parents were great persons and they are dead for 8 years. I’m pretty sure you have come out of the pain but you are still trying to avoid the very day. And about that cheater, you know what kinda girl Rimi is. She never drinks. She’s the most decent girl you know, you said it.”
“I remember I did.”
“What I’m trying to say is, just by recalling some negative memories, you are resisting yourself from a very special day, a day which is only about love. You should move on and forget about the bad things because Rimi is the most wonderful thing happened to you and on this very day, you can make memories with her.”
Ramisa sounds right. She always did. Rimi is different. Unlike other girls, she cares about me. And all those memories were just hurtful, where Rimi was more of the happy dose. Occupying the past with the present happiness, I could drive away all the worse memories and I decided to do that.
I get dressed and ride my cycle straight to Rimi’s place. Not finding her at home, I realize that she’s out for her coaching class. And it’s my chance to prepare for tomorrow. Her family knows me which works as my advantage. I buy a red floor touching dress for her from one of my favourite shops and get back to her place. I talk to her mother and ask her to give Rimi the dress and tell her to wear that tomorrow.
I return home after that and I start preparing a video. I tried to express my feelings for her in the best way I could because I intend to surprise her. She gets back home while I’m working on the video. I set the time at 12 on dot and send the video to her using gmail.

And as soon as I’m done, I get a call from her. I figure that she’s not angry or mad at me, she’s just upset that she pushed my feelings about tomorrow. She has no idea what I’ve been doing and she apologized for all of today. I apologize back because I have more faults.
The time passes down to night and we are having dinner by then. I recall that I have my programming project to wrap up and I told her I can’t talk much. We both have habits of staying up until after 12. I get stuck with my official works and she gets back to her studies.
The clock is 5 minutes away from knocking at 12 o’clock and pushing into a new day, Valentine’s Day. I feel excitement. I wonder what Rimi may be thinking. She’s definitely not expecting anything. But she’s really going to get a big surprise.
At 12:03, a message pops up in my phone. I ‘swipe’ to unlock and check my inbox.
“Thank you so much! It’s beautiful ❤”
“I’m glad you loved it,” I replied.
“Can I call?”
“Of course! Why not?”
The conversation ends and I get a call right away. I answer the call and realize that Rimi is so much happy.
“When did you do all this?” she asks.
“Just a few hours back.”
“But I thought you said…”
“I know what I said,” I interrupt. “But then I realized, holding onto a beautiful present is way better than holding onto a horrible past.”
“Aww babe! Thanks for all of this. I hope you don’t feel bad about the day.”
“Honestly, no I don’t. ’Cause I have you. Another surprise awaits you,” I add.
The conversation ended up for the night. We both go straight to bed and take our good night sleep. The next day must be a good one, I wish.
Few hours take over and the clock knocks on 8 o’clock of the morning. A missed call from Rimi wakes me up and that follows by a beautiful message as usual. I get up, follow my routine and walk downstairs to grab my breakfast. Been a long time since I’ve had my breakfast at home.
Our date is planned for the afternoon. The place is going to be a different restaurant, not the usual one ‘cuz I intend to do something special. I don’t message Rimi anything about that. I just pull myself out of the house and head straight to the beautiful restaurant where I first kneeled down on one leg and told Rimi that I loved her with all my heart.
The manager there is a friend and he always cooperates with whatever I have in mind. This time, when I tell him that I have to put a decoration in order, he helps me out in collecting all the stuff I need. And after he delivers all of them, I am going to start my work. Well, I have been called a lot of things and Event Organizer is one of them.
I am confident that my decoration is classy and I don’t intend to doubt in myself. I fill air inside the balloons the manager provided with the help of some of the staff. They assist me in every way they can.
In the next 2 hours, the decorations is almost down and I am awaiting Rimi’s call. She must be ready by now. And before my thoughts could finish, Rimi’s call enlightens my screen and I answer it.
“Baby, where am I supposed to be at now?”
“The place where you met your Prince Charming.”
“That’s a lovely way to say but are you serious? You had to pick that very place?”
“I just thought it would be a good idea. Plus, the place is best for clicking pictures remember?”
“Yes. How can I forget?”
Rimi starts for the place where we first met and also the place where I first proposed her. I’m already here, waiting for her. A decoration is in order too. Everything’s planned. And finally, she comes.
She walks inside the restaurant. It isn’t heavily crowded. There are a few couples here and there. She’s wearing the off shoulder red gown I bought her. Her sleeves are partly transparent which makes her even more attractive. A black ring in her hand, a pair of long earrings touching down at her shoulder, the dark lipstick is making her the most attractive girl I’ve ever met.
I ask her to close her eyes as soon as she walks in. I had a surprise for her. I pull out a white stoned crown and place that over her head which she feels right away and she shoots her eyes open.
She is filled with extreme happiness, showering down her glittering eyes. I hold her by her waist and land my lips on her forehead, ensuring a kiss. She feels comfortable and hugs me tight. I realize that every other couple saw what happened and they start clapping. Rimi smiles and she hugs me even tighter. She is happy.
We walk ahead inside the restaurant as she takes her head off my chest. She is not allowed to open her eyes up till we reached our position. And right after reaching, I ask her to open her eyes up.
A ceiling filled with baloons, black and red. he wall in front of us puts up a beautiful ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ artwork and also, our memories of past one year. Our best moments, candids and pictures are put up on the wall as beautifully as possible. She’s stunned, speechless. She is not saying anything and then she turns at me all of a sudden and kisses me.
“Thank you so much,” she says.
“I love you.”
“I love you so much,” she replies.
“You look beautiful.”
“I could say the same about you. This white suit does make you look amazing.”
“Thanks, love.”
Probably this is the moment which is going to change everything. Kneeling down for the 2nd time at the same restaurant, I pull out my ring, ensuring a commitment, a promise. A promise of being there always. A promise of being there in happiness and sorrow, in sickness and good health, in best and worst times.
“Rimi Ahmed, I know it hasn’t been long enough to see a clear and bright future ahead. But I need to make sure that you remain my property till forever. You make me the happiest and you are the best thing ever happening to me. Would you like to do the honor of becoming my life partner and allow me to ensure your well being, ahead in our life?”
“Riyad…,” she pauses.
My heart starts pumping as I sense a ‘No’ as answer. Could I have done something wrong? I feel nervousness. Her answer can’t be negative. It just can’t be!
“I’ve waited long enough. Just wear me the damn ring, you idiot!” she says.
I stand back up on my feet while pushing the ring into her finger and kiss her softly. Another huge round of applause fill up the silence of the restaurant and everyone noticed that moment we had.
And therefore, people say, ‘Love conquers all.’

Simple Love

Nehal Rumaly

Today is my best friend’s wedding. Valentines day too! Its 10 o’clock. I am getting ready. I planned to wear a royal blue color sari and put on natural nude makeup as too much of it doesn’t go with my face. I made a high bun with my hair. It’s a court marriage where only a guy and me are the sole witness. That’s because bride’s family didn’t accept and the groom’s family doesn’t even know about their marriage. By 11:30, I need to start for the court. I reached 10 minutes before. The bride and groom didn’t arrive yet. But the other guy who will be witness came. He was telling that, “You are bride’s best friend. As they didn’t come yet, can we just gossip about something to pass the time?” “what gossip…?” “ummm…… okay tell me about their love story. I don’t know anything about it. He jut requested me to be the witness. So… will you?” “yeah, sure. Let’s sit over there.” *bride’s name is Samantha and groom’s name is Shafid. The story begins* We were in 10 thgrade. Me and Samantha were friends since 7th grade. Again, we were neighbors too. We used to go to each other’s house and have group study or night stay. One day she said, “hey you! (Laugh) you are coming to my place at 7 pm for the dance practice which we’ll be doing on my cousin’s turmeric ceremony. Is that clear? (Loud laughs)” “yes… yes.. Its clear dude!” The next day I go to her place for dance practice and also there I finish my homework and came back to my home. After 5 days of practicing, she said to me that we needed to make dresses. I told her that was fine. We will go next day. Next day after school, we went to our old tailor shop. There was a boy of same age as ours. He had curly, oily hair. Anyway, I asked that “whoever” it was, “umm… where is the old tailor master?” “actually, he’s bit sick that’s why I came for one-two months. You can tell me. I can handle it.” I observed he was staring Samantha and didn’t blink for a single moment. I didn’t feel good. Samantha said to me, “lets do it. We don’t have much time left… what say?” “ok.” She told him to take my measurements first. While he was taking my measurement it seemed as if his train is leaving without taking him. He was in haste. He took it. As soon as her turn came, I observed that he was SO chilled and slow as if he never wanted that measurements to end! But it ended. She was explaining the designs but that mister was still staring at her. Well, it was not a dirty look but still.. I tried to take her out and tell her but I couldn’t. I was watching him. When she asked how many days you need that time he was somewhere lost in her beauty and eyes. I shouted at him saying, “HELLO???? Can’t you listen…?” (no reaction) Samantha said, “excuse me? Hello? Did you hear what I just said?” (no reaction) He was just looking at her mesmerized. Before I could say or do anything, Samantha held his arm and jerked saying, “where are you lost mister?”(loud laugh) He got into his senses and just smiled in such a simple, sweet way and blushed as if he just fell in love with her… Samantha again asked, “how many days you require to give it?” “just give me 1 week ma’am. I will make in such pretty way that you will look like a princess(smiling and looming at Samantha) “we just need it in time. Thank you!”( a cheerful smile)…… The next day Samantha and I were coming out of school. We took an auto. My house comes first. She dropped me. I was entering inside but still I don’t w why I turned back. I saw that auto driver’s mouth was covered with a cloth but it almost fell of and I saw that it was the same tailor boy! Many things were going in my mind. Was he kidnapping her? Following her? Going to do any harm? I called out her name & even ran after that auto but couldn’t reach. I called her but it was switched off. I took another auto and just followed him. He just dropped her. Relieve. I asked him. He just smiled and ran! Weird. In the evening, me and Samantha went for shopping. He was there too. I saw him following us. I told that to her but she didn’t pay heed. It didn’t seem alright. I was tired telling her that. I stopped telling. He was going easy and gradually tried to talk to her. One day, after college, he just came and stand in front and said hi to her. He, that day, wore a black shirt tucked in in his Grey pant. He had folded his sleeve. He back brushed his head & applied gel. He was looking really handsome that day I must say. He looked at her and said, “tomorrow maybe you will come to take the dress and I might never be able to talk to you. (He kneeled down and held a big bunch of fresh red roses) Maybe I am an ordinary tailor boy but I also have feelings. I fell for you the very first day I saw you. I have fallen for you. Maybe you will not accept me but I have gathered courage with much trouble. Okay…. Will you be my part of life? Will you be the footprints on the sand of beaches along with mine? Will you give me the best gift of my life? Will you help me tell the world that love doesn’t see status or money? Will you walk with me holding my hand lifelong?” (he was smiling and at the same time, he was nervous. Like REAL nervous!) I was shocked seeing her. She was literally jumping out of happiness! She LITERALLY said YES to him! She didn’t n know his name! I mean at that time.. Okay I still think she was such a BIG SLUT! I mean how can you even do that! I just grabbed her hand and took her in a corner and said, “I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE SUCH… SUCH A.. I lost my words for you! You don’t even know his name and you accepted him?” “Shut up! Don’t you dare use that work again. I am not a slut. Look at him! He is such a good boy! Such good looking. He has feelings for me!” I kept on staring at her. She just slightly pushed me aside and went back to him. After 3 days, when I went to school, Samantha didn’t come. I thought she was mad at me or she’s sick or something came up. In the evening she same to my house. We went to my room. She looked excited. I asked her “what happened? Why didn’t you come school?” “because of HIM(laughs)! I would have come if he didn’t insisted to go with him.” “You were with him the WHOLE DAY? The f*** is wrong with you Samantha? You barely know him…. (Big sigh and disappointed)” “yes! Now listen, at first we went for a movie. Guess which movie he chose for us?” “ How would I know? Don’t create suspense. I’m not in mood. Just tell if you want… you shameless… slut!” “Okay.. He chose fifty shades of grey! (Loud laughs and giggles)” “wtf! He…? Okay.. Anyway.. Then?” “ while watching, he held my hand tightly and kissed on it! He was gazing me without any blink. He came closer. Closer. Closer. He kissed me on my lips and whispered on my ear that he loves me! And again we kissed. It was longer one. After that he took me to the backside of park. We sat there and were having potato chips(my favorite!) Again he tried to kiss me but I didn’t let him. He said he will introduce me to her mom. I went there. It was a tin shade house. We went in but no one was there. When I asked him, he closed the main door without saying anything. He came closer to me. With his soft hands removed the long hair strands from my face. Held my waist and grabbed me towards him. He made me laid on his bed. We had a moment. He undressed me. I undressed him. We got lost into each other’s body, soul and love. We had pleasure time(blushes and giggles!)” That time I was feeling like “this girl barely knows a guy and goes into relation and then within a week, she have a sex with him… seriously? There’s a limit!” Once her parents were not home that she, SO STUPID OF HER! She called that boy in her house. Why? Because she wants to give him their first month’s gift. What was that? Her body. I couldn’t know about it if I didn’t go to her place. When I rang the bell that time I heard from inside that she was telling someone that, “hey! Its my friend. Relax.” She opened the door. She LITERALLY opened the door being half nude. She was just wearing bikini and I saw that tailor boy from her behind. I didn’t say a word and just left. There’s so much love between them god! I realized their relationship is true only from that boy’s side. Its my thought. Samantha was never serious. But when she got pregnant, the way he took care of her… it was.. I… I felt really good that she really got a good one. When she gets to know she’s pregnant, immediately called him. He came to meet her. He consoled her that it was okay. He took her in dinner. Not in any restaurant but in a field nearby an hospital where there’s knee height long grasses and at night fireflies cover the place. He took her hand, kissed her forehead softly and held her gently and said, “No matter what happens, I will never leave you. If you are pregnant its fine. There’s othing wrong with that. I’m with you always. I have loved you, I will take care of you, I will marry you. (Kissed on her eyes) I observed it from behind a big pillar near that field. I was telling in my mind, “Aww!!! Such sweet guy! He was making her feel safe and secured.” I felt really good seeing it. Then, from next days, he used to bring food for her, little bit gifts with his minor income, take her to regular checkups hiding identity, taking her on outings to make her feel light. Always giving her hopes and trying to make her wishes come true. Their parents get to know about that. Samantha’s parents hit her hard and so did his. But they didn’t give up. I helped them. Afterall I was her friend.(laughs) I heard they were getting Samantha married to an old divorcee. I could never let that happen. I went to her house secretly and disconnected their electricity. I helped her elope with that guy. Oh! Thank god I saw him before he was Committing suicide because Samantha was getting married and he couldn’t anything. Whenever he tried to meet her, her father ousted him bitting him up REAL HARD! He was bleeding. He was broken. He almost jumped from the 9 ft hill nearby my coaching. I just grabbed him down hard and scolded him. Anyway, then I helped them to elope. I was sitting next to her. He is gone to bring some food. We left that place where people could make and create problems and trouble. She was humming. She was definitely tensed because whenever she hums, it means she’s tensed or upset. I asked her, “you definitely eloped but please tell the truth. Do you actually love him? Are you seriously going to marry him? You seriously taking this baby and make your OWN life?” “(started with sigh) trust me hon, when I accepted his proposal, my plan was that I will just play mind games with him. I will use him and then leave. I thought I will teach him a lesson. But now, (her eyes teary.. Looked at me) I seriously love him. The way he care for me, the way he stands by my side, way he support me, I dell in love. Definitely love doesn’t see status or money. He trued his best to make comfort for me. Now, I fill blessed that I got him. He changed my view.” He came back with chips and soft drink. I left them alone. I gave them some space. They were gazing at the stars. Though I was at distance, I could hear them & clearly watch what they were doing. They laid on ground, held each other’s hand. They promised each other that whatever the situation is, they will stand together. They promised not to hide anything to each other.” Then Samantha touched his lips with her bare soft, cold hand. Kisses him. Then looked at me and with a smile said, “will you be the witness of our love?” “what the f***! I don’t watch those things. Be private!!! My gosh! Dude! I DON’T LIKE WATCHING MAKEOUTS LIVE!!” (they laughed hard!) “Lol! I didn’t tell you that you dirty mind! I was talking about our marriage!” “oh.. Sure!” They looked for jobs and I was with my family happily. I was studying. *twink* a text! “hey! Cone over at my place! -you know my name!” It was her! After LONG TIME! I called her. She said, in these days, they were busy getting settled and they were in living relationship. They got a baby girl. Now they are getting married. “Today is their wedding! Oh!!! Look they are here. By the way! I didn’t ask you name Mr. Wedding witness!” “oh I am Fayed! Umm.. I think we should catch up!” “yeah! Samantha!!! (Loud enough for them to hear)” I waved at her. “its time to go!”



Rafeed Chowdhury

A passionate dreamer. I believe there is a writer inside every one of us; we all write for our targeted audience.