Welcome To Rebel Economics!

Adonis Vasquez
Rebel Economics
Published in
5 min readSep 24, 2018

What Is This?

Hello everybody and welcome to Rebel Economics! In this blog, I will be investigating how different economic models can be implemented in space while speculating its effects on space travel, colonization & business.

It was always my dream to go to space and colonize foreign planets. I always imagined myself starting a mega-space corporation that created a whole new industry. Piloting space ships and starting space colonies. Taking humanity to the farthest reaches of space. Space is the final frontier and with this frontier there is boundless freedom, treasures and creatures that have yet to be discovered!

*Giggles in Excitement*

Who Am I?

The question everyone asks but rarely have an answer to.

I am a budding business student attending the University at Buffalo. I am in my senior year. My concentration for my major is Finance. I have invested in stocks & crypto-currencies. I have started two businesses only for them to fail (ouch). I helped other students, friends and family get into the world of investing. I’m planning to work for the Department of Treasury after I graduate and I am also trying to start another business.


So what does all of this have to do with space, you ask? Simple. I am predicting that in about 30–40 years space will become accessible for the average person. When that happens, businesses will be started in space at a rapid rate. Space will become another gold rush as investors, entrepreneurs & governments struggle to secure their interests (read: Money. Lots of Money.) across planets and galaxies. All of this requires two things. 1.) A market and 2.) A economy.

And speculating about these two things is my bread and butter. A good financial professional will be able to spot opportunities within the market and relay advice to the proper clients looking to take advantage of those opportunities. But a great financial professional will be able to spot emerging market trends and with proper analysis, be able to spot a very profitable opportunity that can be relayed to a lucrative client for the right price.

So it is my best interest as a budding financial professional to keep a keen eye on this trend. Remember, “Everything has a price”. And price is what determines profits.

How Does This Benefit You?

This sums up business very well I think. Don’t you?

Information is power. Information gives you an advantage. The more you know, the more insight you have about the world. Decision making ability allows you to bring your desires to life. Consequences is what you experience after making that decision. To reach success in this life, you must do three things. 1.) Acquire information that grants you some insight about the world. 2.) Evaluate possible decisions and their consequences. You’re looking for the decision that minimizes negative consequences while maximizing positive consequences. 3.) Carry through the decision and profit.

What Are You Talking About?

If you stick by me and read my blogs, you’ll acquire some information that can be applied to your benefit. Be it business advice, economic models or words of wisdom, this blog is designed with you in mind. I may drop ideas that could be used in business or in life. I may offer some tips that makes life easier or offer some experience in matters of business. My sole job is to relay information to you and to give you possible ideas on how you can profit from that information. Sort of like a consultant. Only I don’t get paid like one. Haha.

Okay Smart Ass So What Do you Know?

Man, I need to catch up on Game of Thrones…

I know business, human psychology and interpersonal communication. I know how to manipulate, deceive and read people. I know how to be aware of my environment. How to kill…. Yada yada. Look let’s cut the crap. You’re here because you either A) Found my blog interesting and decided to read it. B) Are looking for some kind of information that will help you accomplish your goals or C) You’re bored out of your freakin’ mind and are in dire need of entertainment.

I smoke cigars and I know things. I am a trafficker of information. Knowing everything is my job. Sometimes I sell information for a price. Other times, I teach for free. I do provide advisory and consultation services. No problem is impossible to solve. This is what I know. What I do. What I love. Take with that what you will.

What Else Do I Need To Know About Your Blog?

“When you have finally conquered what was standing in your way, what else is there to do?”

During my investigation, I am striving to answer several questions regarding economics in space. Some of those questions are: Is it sustainable? Is it scalable? Does it provide a level playing field for all market participants? What kind of regulation would be applied? How would the market work? How would day to day trading look like? Will digital currency be used? How would a stock exchange on space work? And much, much more. When I put my mind to work, I tend to geek out (sorry not sorry).

These questions interest me because they are some of the basis of developing a prosperous economy. In order for a human colony to thrive and expand on space some of these questions must be answered. Starting, maintaining and expanding a human colony in space poses very challenging issues in terms of logistics, commerce and business development. To say nothing about politics, government, healthcare or warfare among other things. All of which must be addressed at some point or another before we go to space.

Final Words

Interesting quips from people meeting their end. Spooky.

One skill for certain that I will be practicing in this blog is problem solving. Over the course of several weeks, I will be running war simulations in my room to address these questions. Multiple strategies will be developed. They will be open to criticism and I fully appreciate any of you readers to try and shred my strategies apart. This is going to be exciting. I’ll see you all in the next one.

*Dabs out of existence*



Adonis Vasquez
Rebel Economics

Adonis loves smoking cigars and thinking. He loves sharing what he thinks. Enjoy.