Image credit: Dave Pearce

A look towards Accountability Hack 2015

Accountability Hack
Rebel Labs


An integral part of Parliament Week since its inception, we once again find ourselves looking forward to hacking government data this November. What began as ParlyHack in 2011 has now become Accountability Hack, run in partnership for the second year by Parliament, National Audit Office (NAO) and Office for National Statistics (ONS).

When ParlyHack was run for the first time, it sat in a very different space. Government departments hardly spoke to each other in terms of digital efforts. The civic technology scene was tiny. The GDS was in its infancy. Now, in anticipation of the fifth event, it is really exciting to see different government departments working so closely together to engage developers and enthusiasts for such obvious public good.

Accountability Hack 2015 will be a great opportunity to once again look at Parliament, NAO and ONS data to build prototypes that create real social value in some way; improving transparency and accountability. It will also be a great opportunity for each of the organising institutions to get feedback from developer and civic tech community to better the work they do; to connect more closely with this community and walk away with results that can improve the democratic process for all.

As such, with Accountability Hack 2015, we are more keen than ever for ideas to exist beyond the event; we want to continue this important conversation. Potentially, if projects resonate with internal strategies and focuses, we’d like to continue work to bring them into a more public space.

It is important to us that we equip you as best we can in the run up to the event to make it a most productive weekend. We’ll be running a Pre-event Session on 10th November at Portcullis House, to kick off those conversations. We’d also like to hear from you if there are particular data sets you would like to use at the event or you would just like to see published.

Whether you’re a designer, a developer or you’re just passionate about the government data, then we’d love to see you at Accountability Hack on 21st and 22nd of November 2015.

Sign up now for Accountability Hack 2015 #AccHack15

Accountability Hack sits alongside many events as part of the annual Parliament Week, all of which push government to think in new ways to better serve citizens. Find out more about other Parliament Week events here.



Accountability Hack
Rebel Labs

Accountability Hack is a two day event bringing together the UK’s civic tech community to connect people with Parliament and democracy.