Photo credit: Dave Pearce

#AccHack is Back!

Rebel Labs
Rebel Labs


It’s that time of year beautiful people. The air is crisp, the leaves are a velvety blanket of auburn and gold underfoot … and your favourite civic technology event is back! We are crazy excited to announce that Accountability Hack will return for 2016 on 19/20th November in central London.

Accountability Hack, ascendant of ParliHack, has become a stalwart of the UK Civic Tech calendar in its five year run. Returning for a sixth event this November as part of Parliament Week, AccHack provides a chance for public sector workers, technologists and armchair enthusiasts alike to connect, learn from each other and impact the UK’s democratic process using technology and open government data.

At Accountability Hack, participants are given the challenge to use government data to ideate new and innovative ways in which the people can become involved in the democratic process. The weekend is also an opportunity to get political support and buy in, give feedback on the state of the data, and ultimately aims to produce projects that will hold our elected more accountable.

Partnership & sponsorship opportunities

The 2016 event also offers a seminal chance for partners to gain even greater value and more tangible outputs than in previous years. This comes in addition to inspiring and engaging with developers, data scientists and user researchers who represent the most exciting possibilities for innovation in democracy.

New for this year is the offer to Government sponsors of a bespoke workshop of your choice to take place in anticipation of the two-day hackathon. During this workshop, your department will be invited to confront your data, identify opportunities, and take part in lively and educational discussions to refine the final theme of the event.

Alternatively, you can come on board as a Government partner, and have your data included in one of the hackathon challenges, or as a technology partner/sponsor to support this important and worthwhile event in another way that feels right for you. Simply get in touch and we can have a chat about what works.

Next steps

Tickets are now LIVE! Head over to Eventbrite to grab your free ticket for Accountability Hack 2016. As with all Rebel Labs events, AccHack is open and safe for under 18s to attend. For more info on this, or to get a general feel for the groove of the event, head to

One last thing to bear in mind is that we will be running an informal meetup in the week running up to AccHack. This presents a fab opportunity for attendees to meet to dissect the theme, form teams and begin to shape ideas in advance of the 24 working hours of hard hackathon labour!!

As ever, pop over any questions, ideas or feedback to us via email or Twitter. We’d especially love to hear your thoughts on potentially themes or challenges for this year’s event.

We absolutely cannot wait for Accountability Hack 2016 — see you there!

Find out who else is getting down with government data at Accountability Hack 2016 by tweeting using #AccHack16 or sharing the event on Facebook.

