Here’s to you 2017!

Rebel Labs
Rebel Labs
6 min readJan 6, 2017


It’s that time of year, isn’t it? Lots of worthy (and some earnest!) reflections on a year been and gone. Everyone has recognised the hardship of 2016, and dedicated a not unreasonable amount of their posts to the relief of being rid of a year that felt the world was turned upside down (there’s no need for us to go over it — it’s too painful!)

In lieu of beating a worn drum, Team Rebel wanted to focus on the positives that 2016 brought for us as an organisation, as a team, and to our community as a whole. We’re eschewing the people lost, the battles lost and the progress lost in the wider world to focus on things won and what those positives mean for this year.

We’re going to turn this energy into 17 hopeful resolutions we’ll stick to and make happen in this brand new year.

2016 was our first full year of being “a thing”, we created new events, brought different people together and ultimately had big much fun with our incredible — and burgeoning — community. There’s a lot we’re proud of, and a lot of possibility waiting to be unleashed. So … here’s all the ass we hope to kick in 2017…

  1. Make UKGH 2.0 bigger and better

Undoubtedly the highlight of the Q1 2016 was UKGovHack 2016. Among the many wonderful things we were able to take away from this event, perhaps the standout was the fact that our idea of bringing together people from different backgrounds, with different interests and of all ages really, genuinely, totally, amazingly worked!!

2. Do more for a local, underserved community

This is something we identified in 2016, and made a couple of attempts at getting off the ground. As with everything like this, timing, funding and receptiveness need to be just right for it to work. Unfortunately we didn’t have this perfect storm in 2016, but we’re right back at it this year.

3. Preach the gospel of “Learning is for EVERYONE”

You know by now that our core belief is that meaningful learning opportunities should be available for everyone, with age (among other factors) having no bearing on opportunities. Let’s say it how it is — someone who wants to learn should be given the chance. Simple.

4. Rebel Makers Camp Two: Camp Harder

In 2016 we came, we saw and we Camped. We ran the inaugural Rebel Makers Camp as our autumn event and it was a smash-hit! (If we do say so ourselves). We bringing it back harder in 2017, with the express aim of reaching more people across the country.

5. Help people to help others (and themselves in the process)

One of the biggest things we noticed across all of our activities in 2016 was the lack of confidence and conviction people had in their own ability. They didn’t believe in their skills, and would never dream they had the knowledge and capabilities to help others learn. In 2017 we’re going to continue to build confidences and help others realise their worth.

6. Help someone find their voice in a chorus to give them the courage to find it in a crowd

We really believe this people. Change starts with one person, with one idea and grows from there — whether that is on a personal or global level. Through our events, community and Clubs we give people an all important arena where they can speak without fear of looking silly, and grow their confidence accordingly.

7. Stop being so British about things

Us Brits aren’t very good at wearing our hearts on our sleeves, at standing up and telling someone they are wonderful, that we’re proud of them, or that we think they will achieve greatness. We’re more of a quietly proud for/of someone sort of bunch. In 2017 Team Rebel pledge to tell you all how brilliant you are, and how much we value you. You never know when that extra validation might make all the difference.

8. Keep finding ways to involve more disparate people in the political process

I know we promised we wouldn’t mentioned anything about the dreaded goings on in 2k16, but in our defense this is a goal we had before it all went to s**t!! To learn a positive and motivating lesson from the politics of last year is the importance of making sure people know how, when and where they can make their voice heard — not least in a time where they feel more strongly than ever that their leaders don’t represent them.

9. Have better conversations

A bit of a follow on from number 8. In a world where things are more divided than they are united most of the time, Team Rebel want to do more to facilitate meaningful and productive conversations between the two sides of the coin, or the many sides of the shape — or a better metaphor if you can give us one!! Let’s break out of our bubbles in 2017 and instead of getting mad or defensive when people don’t share our opinions, let’s take a moment to explain our reasons, and genuinely listen to theirs.

10. Be positive — and surround ourselves with positive people

This one needs little justification nor explanation. 2017 is our year for looking forward with hope and happiness — Negative Nancy’s need not apply!

11. Share more stories

This is hard — no matter what you do, and especially in a small organisation where we work across all projects and parameters. However it is important we find the time to tell our stories and share our success, as well as those of our community. Must. Try. Harder!

12. Learn something new!

We are ALL about the lifelong learning. So we’re going to practice what we preach. Each member of Team Rebel is going to make a concerted effort to learn a new skill. Not everyone has chosen their thing yet — but we’ll keep you posted so you can hold us to account!


In 2017 we are going to have our game faces on. We’re going to be bigger, bolder and attack things with more hustle. Ain’t noone going to back you if you don’t back yourself.

14. Quit it with the self-doubt

To paraphrase one of last year’s dear departed, “We gotta have faith, faith faith”. Yep, as a team we have some cracking ideas. You should hear the things flying around the office — and the excitement and animation this generates. But we’re big self-doubters, and our follow through has been weaker than it should have been in 2016. This year, we will do it all with conviction!

15. Stop being afraid to fail

As you may have guessed, this one follows directly from number 14. We have been pretty guilty in the past of waiting until something is fully formed before we let it fly out to our community and beyond. No more of that. As a team we’re going to do more, fail faster and fail often, and spark off lots of positive connections, interactions and projects in the process.

16. Join the dots

We love friends. There is NOTHING better than making friends with people, groups and organisations who share the same values and change the world dreams that you do. In 2017, we’re going to do more making of friends, and introducing of our friends to each other, to grow a kickass network to help us all do more good.

17. Don’t forget the fun!

We love what we do, and want to make sure in 2017 we take some time to stop, look up and appreciate the fun. It’s easy to roll on from one thing to the next without a breath — this year we’re going to stop for moments of wild, free and fun abandon!

What are you hoping to achieve in 2017? Did you make resolutions, or lists of goals you’re determined to stick to? Can Team Rebel help you fulfil any of yours? We’d love to hear all about them.

