My Rebel Writer’s Manifesto

Elaine Kasket
Rebel Writers Club
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2020


In 2020, in order to write, I need to rebel. What about you?

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

This is my Rebel Writer manifesto.

To be a true rebel writer, I must be risky, bold, generous, committed, supportive, and open.

To truly grow, I must rebel. So I will rebel against my fear, my shame, my embarrassment. I will rebel against my inner critic, my inner editor, my inner saboteur.

I will kill my stories so that I can write my stories.

I will be honest about the difference between thinking about writing and writing.

I will no longer use ‘incubation’ as an excuse for not putting words on the page.

I will not allow my imposter syndrome to fell me, or my inferiority complex to trip me up just as I stand at the threshold of something great, or something possible, or something brave.

I will not let my own insecurities prevent me from embracing and appreciating other writers’ work.

In this writer’s world, there is space for everything and everyone. All words are welcome here.

This will not happen by itself. I will not wait for the muse’s invitation, for the perfect moment, for life to clear the path of barriers. There is only now.

I will rebel. And I hope you will rebel with me.

To submit your own Rebel Writer Manifesto, click the three dots at above right, select ‘Add to Publication’, and then select Rebel Writers Club. Click the green ‘Publish’ button to submit to me for editing. It will not be visible until I have reviewed and edited. If you are not on the list of writers for Rebel Writer’s Club, contact me. x



Elaine Kasket
Rebel Writers Club

Speaker, coach, cyberpsychologist. Author of REBOOT: Reclaiming Your Life in a Tech-Obsessed World and All the Ghosts in the Machine.