Are You Afraid to Piss Others Off?

Louise Edington
Rebel Writers
Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2017


And is that One of the Major Problems with Liberalism and the Democrats?

I was brought up to be polite.

Oh so British.

Engage brain before operating mouth.

Don’t rock the boat.

Don’t be silly.

Laughed at and shut down for strong opinions.

Even my first marketing coach tried to control what I said and how I said it.

You can’t say that!

You are too loud.

You don’t have a clue what you are talking about.

You will upset people.

Never talk about religion or politics.

Then I realized that this is bullshit.

I love critiquing religion and politics.

I have strong views and opinions.

And if I piss people off by the expression of my opinion that’s more than okay.

Because we need a good shake up.

To stop being afraid to take a stand.

To dissent.

A couple of my friends are starting a Secular Caucus within the Democratic Party here in Utah. Because we ARE supposed to have separation of church and State right? And because we are also supposed to have freedom FROM religion as well as OF religion. Right?

At the Committee Meeting there were objections that it might upset the LDS Church which has far too much influence in the State politics of Utah. Or that the LDS Church might object. What??

This is one of the reasons that the left struggles in this red State. They are too afraid of pissing others off.

In fact, this is a neoliberal problem overall.

And it’s a problem for many in life and business.

Because you cannot be all things to all people.

If you try to appeal to everyone you appeal to no one.

But you have to be real. And find a way to dialogue without passive aggression, fear or antagonism.

Then take a stand.

I was blocked twice recently on Facebook because I let it be known, vigorously, that I disagreed with comments on my posts.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but if you come into my front yard and tell me mine is wrong then I am likely to cut you down at the knees. If you come in shouting and saying that you are more right then dialogue is shut down.

If I go into your front yard and tell you that you are wrong then I will not be surprised if you do the same to me.

If, however, you come into my front yard saying; ‘I see it differently’ then it opens up possibilities of dialogue.

You are taking a stand but not shutting the me down.

I do not have to agree or like your opinion though and, unless you give me amazing reasons FOR your opinion, rather than against mine, I will probably cut you off or throw you out of my yard.

Do you see this?

It’s a Social Media problem AND it’s a life problem.

We are, as a whole, too afraid of rocking the boat.

And when we do we have lost the art of powerful, challenging dialogue that asks questions and opens possibilities instead of shutting others down.

I’m no Saint (pun intended in the State of the Latter Day Saints) and do it too. Though I try not too until I lose it because others will not leave my front yard when they are trying to force me to their point of view.

But we must all try.



Speak from the I (as in I see it this way) not the you.

Even where Trump and his supporters are concerned.

But be okay with your opinion pissing others off and not being liked.

That doesn’t mean returning to the you , and pointing fingers.

Be you.

Be strong.

Take a stand.

But not by shutting others down.

Got it?

Allow others their front yard.

And if someone won’t stop being really, really RIGHT in your front yard you can then tell them to fuck off.

Do you agree with me?

Or is it okay to be this woman.

Louise Edington, if you are posting to Facebook you obviously are looking for validation, if you can’t handle opposite & feel people shouldn’t post on your stuff….stop posting! It’s called SOCIAL MEDIA for a reason!

We were not FB or real friends and this was her first comment on my posts ever btw. There was no dialogue before this.

I had called one guy a dick because he was telling me The Lord says I was wrong about what I posted. Naughty me.

What do YOU think?

Keep it open hehe. It’s okay if you think this person was right but I may disagree :)

Happy 1.1.1 for tomorrow



Louise Edington
Rebel Writers

Kick Ass Astrologer and Author. Become a Venus Enchantment member, Buy my Books or schedule a consultation. All Links at