How Flutter helped us develop and ship an app in only 2 weeks.

Bianca Dragomir
Published in
5 min readMar 11, 2021


Please take the below ideas with a pinch of salt.

Disclaimer: a lot of personal bias might be not so subtly hidden in this article.

Just like any other area in programming, developing apps for mobile platforms rapidly evolves. As I wrote this article, React Native has probably gained 30 more open-source libraries and Google probably announced 3 more deprecated APIs.

Being a mobile developer, my experience largely consists of native Android development, but, at the moment, I’m mainly focused on React Native and Flutter. Out of the two, Flutter has caught our eye and we are more and more serious about it.

So why Flutter?

1. Material Design-compliant widgets. A lot of them.

Flutter comes bundled with all the widgets you’ve ever dreamed of. I am not joking.

Considering that my initial experiences as a programmer consist of one year of native Android/Kotlin programming, I am not going to talk behind Android’s back.

BUT.. let’s be fair.. its UI system slows you down.

You get drowned in XML files and rounding corners is simply a nightmare.

