Will React Native die in 2022?

Bianca Dragomir
Published in
9 min readFeb 3, 2022


Cross-platform app development: what it is and why do we need it.

If we were to pick 10 random people from around the world, we would stumble upon unique mindsets, interesting personalities, and various likes and dislikes.

However, the one thing that these people will have in common is that each of them will probably own a smartphone filled with tens of apps and a stable internet connection.

Therefore, any business will benefit from a professionally-looking, cost-effective mobile app that can run on both Android and iOS.

This is where cross-platform app development comes in handy: it has been gaining solid ground on the native approaches, and it has been empowering a single team to develop an app that will satisfy all the users.

In addition, it takes advantage of faster and more intuitive UI development and reusable business logic.

There are multiple choices for developing a cost-effective mobile app that can run on both Android and iOS, each of them coming along with certain advantages and disadvantages. We are here to look into React Native and why it is a solid choice for a business that wants to develop a mobile app in 2022, but we will also explore the alternatives and what they bring to the table.

Why has cross-platform app…

