To All Women Who Know The Importance of Self-Love

Amelia Kang
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2020

This was an article I wrote for the writing competition in my office on women’s day (which I did not win). The competition was to write about a woman who inspires you the most.

Who are these women? Honestly I don’t know but I believe they can inspire me.

Source: Google

I can’t name one person who inspires me the most as there are a lot of amazing women out there who can be our inspirations in our daily lives. Most women around the world get the pressure from the society how to live a life as a perfect woman should. But what is perfect? Everyone has different opinions and perspectives…so we need to have our definition of being perfect. To me, being perfect is when you know your self-worth and have self-love. So am I perfect now? Not even close. But I’m gonna keep on trying until I know how to be perfect in my own way.

We live in a world where people sometimes view an ideal life as what we see on social media or movies (e.g. branded goods, great makeup, perfect body, perfect relationship with a handsome and rich partner). But does that make you happy or you think the world will accept you for having those things? Many women struggle to be accepted by society and we tend to think that’s the kind of life we want….to be accepted. I personally can’t disagree with this as all of us have gone through it. Which is why we need to keep reminding ourselves to have self-love, how to be happy without sacrificing our well-being for the sake of others. Treat yourself as someone you really love so you won’t let anything hurt you.

As a woman, we need to inspire each other how to be strong that no society can tell us how to live our lives or be happy. In order to do that, let’s start with ourselves first. So to all women who know the importance of self-love, please keep inspiring others and thank you for teaching me to try to be the best version of myself. Nothing should ever bring us down and make us question our self-worth.

If anyone tells you that you're not smart, you're not pretty, you're not skinny, you're not successful…you can shut them up by being happy in your own way and YOU WILL INSPIRE OTHERS!

Source: Google

Who run the world? GIRLS!! You’re damn right, Beyonce!

❤ yourself.



Amelia Kang

I’m not a writer, I just have deep thoughts so why not put them in writing?