Rebiddy: cryptocashback. A new market for shops, endless possibilities for customers!

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5 min readOct 3, 2018
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Hello and welcome to rebiddy! After months of development, we have set off on a journey to bring adoption to the crypto world, and we are excited to have you with us. We wrote an article to explain what is rebiddy, why we started it, what is our vision and how YOU can get involved.

Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the read!

What is rebiddy?

Rebiddy is a cryptocashback platform. If you ever used cashback services, you should be familiar with the idea. In short, here is how it works:

Instead of paying for advertisements, shops pay rebiddy for helping them reach customers. Majority of those rewards we give back to our community — meaning you. That way shops increase their sales, we get our commission, and you get a convenient and profitable way to make purchases.

Rebiddy: a new market for shops, endless possibilities for customers

You have probably heard about cryptocurrencies, but what do they really do? We are not talking about ICOs, but rather the essence of crypto money — censorship resistant, fully under your control, accessible to anybody without the need for a credit history. Blockchain technology makes it possible.

There is also a category called the unbanked — which is a big part of the world’s population. These people cannot have access to banking, and they no longer need. With the increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies, banks are losing their charm.

PayPal had these goals of creating a new currency. We failed at that, and we just created a new payment system. I think Bitcoin has succeeded on the level of a new currency, but the payment system is somewhat lacking.

- PayPal Founder, Peter Thiel [source]

It is finally possible to use your crypto! Not just store it, invest or sit on it — you can use your Bitcoin, and later on other cryptocurrencies. With that in mind, it opens up endless possibilities for buyers to choose from a range of shops and conveniently make purchases. For shops, it gives the opportunity to find new customers in the emerging industry.

Why choose cryptocurrencies for cashback? Not only due to the emerging market and new possibilities, but also because crypto is safer, faster, border-less and cheap to transact. The nature of the transactions are peer-to-peer, meaning you need no intermediaries! Interact with customers and shops directly, enjoying the benefits offer by the blockchain technology.

With the adoption progressing forward, we find it important to think about the community and follow the vision that crypto was set up with: global re-distribution of value. There will be more possibilities for people to transact value, buy products and so on — and with rebiddy you get a chance to have a piece of adoption returned to you in form of cryptocashback.

I think finding real-world applications is crucial to reach that critical mass. I also believe that all of these things will happen in the short term.

- Binance CEO, Changpeng Zhao [source]

Why rebiddy?

Countless merchants around the world continue adopting cryptocurrency payments, and not only that — those who were previously unable to join the ecosystem, can now enjoy the benefits of crypto payments.

Unlike regular cashback platforms, rebiddy aims to remove all frictions:

  • No huge bank fees or delays. Ehem, blockchain! Everything is lightning fast and cheap asthe field develops rapidly. This allows us to give back to our community higher cashback rates than were previously possible = more profitable shopping.
  • Cryptocashback is available straight away and with no withdrawal commission fees. No need to wait hours for your cashback to arrive.
  • Transactions are border-less, no restrictions.
  • No KYC required, you can simply use the service and conveniently make purchases. Rebiddy does not need your personal data.
  • Community-oriented focus, meaning many cool referral and bonus systems which will make your experience even more engaging!

At rebiddy we believe that together we are going to facilitate interactions among merchants and customers, making it smooth and beneficial for them all. We make adoption happen here and now.

There are endless possibilities — and you can be at the very birth of it, following the progress together with us. Rebiddy isset on a journey to integrate fiat transfers and various cryptocurrencies, add games and collectibles. We will continue making rebiddy the most customer-oriented platform there is.

Join rebiddy!

If you share our vision and want to become a part of it, we would like to work with you! Whether you have a shop, you are a crypto enthusiast, or you just started researching crypto — we want you in our team.

  1. You can fill out this form and integrate your shop with rebiddy
  2. You can become rebiddy angel and help us spread the word. We will reward you with the highest permanent cryptocashback rate and welcome you as a rebiddy angel into the future developments. Please fill out this form to apply for the programme.

Thank you for dropping by, and we hope to be seeing you soon — or even working with you side by side! Stay tuned for more news by joining one of our media channels: Website | Twitter | Telegram | Reddit



Editor for is a crypto cashback platform dedicated to bringing adoption to crypto world. A new market for shops, endless possibilities for customers.