Breve bibliografia di RebLaw 2019

Incompleta e malandata

RebLaw Torino
1 min readMar 24, 2019


La quasi totalità dei testi elencati sono reperibili online o nelle biblioteche di Ateneo.

  • AA.VV., Symposium. Rebellious Lawyering at 25, Clinical Law Review, Volume 23, Fall 2016. In particolare G. Lopez, Transform — don’t just tinker with — legal education. Part I (pp. 472–564), A. Alfieri, Rebellious Pedagogy and Practice (pp. 5–36), A. Piomelli, Rebellious Heroes (pp. 283–310)
  • G. Lopez, Transform — don’t just tinker with — legal education. Part II, in Clinical Law Review, Volume 24, Spring 2018
  • D. Kennedy, Legal Education and the Reproduction of Hierarchy, in Journal of Legal Education, n. 32/1982
  • A. Shalleck, Narrative Understanding: Revisiting the Stories of Lay Lawyering, in Clinical Law Review, Volume 24, Spring 2018
  • M. Cossutta, Interpretazione ed esperienza giuridica. Sulle declinazioni dell’interpretazione giuridica: a partire dall’uso alternativo del diritto, Trieste, 2011,
  • F. S. Bloch, The Global Clinical Movement: Educating Lawyers for Social Justice, Oxford University Press, 2011
  • R. Wilson, The Global Evolution of Clinical Legal Education: More than a Method, Cambridge University Press, 2017
  • A. Alemanno, L. Khadar, Reinventing Legal Education. How clinical education is reforming the teaching and practice of law in Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2018
  • L. Cruciani, And Justice for All. Accesso alla giustizia e law clinics come beni comuni, in 30 Rivista Critica di Diritto Privato 307 (2012)

