5 takeaways from Collision Toronto

Idan Yatziv
Reblaze Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 3, 2019

Last week Reblaze exhibited at the Collision event in Toronto. It was quite eye-opening.

Collision is the fastest-growing tech conference in North America. Now in its fifth year, Collision has grown to over 25,000 attendees. Collision has become a crossroads for the world’s largest buyers and sellers of technology, alongside many of the world’s most disruptive emerging-technology companies.

We met with hundreds of people that represented a cross-section of today’s high tech field: Startups, Enterprises, Students, Industry Veterans, and more. We did dozens of demos and after speaking with so many people, noticed several important themes that kept recurring:

  1. Startups are focusing on AI. We know that AI and Machine Learning are the “next big thing”; this was quite obvious at Collision. We met with many startups that are utilizing technology based on AI and Machine Learning, which helps them face the obstacles of the modern world.
    Reblaze uses Machine Learning as part of its biometric behavioral analysis, supplying next-generation protection against web attacks.
  2. Women are changing the face of tech. We’ve attended many events throughout the years, and in each one, we have seen more and more women in roles that were once held mainly by men. The Collision event was no different. We saw a greater percentage of women, by a wider margin than many tech conferences we had previously attended.
  3. Tighten the Belt. As we are all aware, young companies starting their journey need to find ways to save money and expand their budget. But what about saving on necessities such as servers? This is where Auto-Scaling comes into place. At Collision, we saw more proof of what we already knew — Auto-Scaling is a must, and it’s a powerful tool that helps you save money and increases your effective budget.
    Reblaze’s resource usage is scaled automatically, allowing you to pay only for what you use.
  4. Keeping your head in the cloud. Once more, we got confirmation for the belief that everybody is moving to the cloud (and if you are not there yet, it’s time to move). The cloud allows many young companies the chance to succeed where they otherwise wouldn’t be able to, thanks to its incredible flexibility. Also, the more popular it becomes, the more competition there is in supplying quality cloud-based services, so everybody wins.
    Reblaze offers full integration with the major cloud platforms, including the three top-tier providers (AWS, GCP, and Azure).
  5. Compliance, Compliance, Compliance. Canada, like many other countries, has strict compliance demands. Companies which want to work in a government-regulated field will need to adhere to strict guidelines and be fully compliant. Reblaze is fully compliant with GDPR, HIPPA, ITAR, PCI DDS, SOC2, ISO 27001, and many more.

Since you’re reading this, you probably didn’t attend Collision Toronto, so you didn’t get to see the demos we were giving (which highlighted some exciting new features currently being added to the Reblaze platform). We’d be happy to show them to you directly. To get a demo, contact us here.

