Guided Journaling for Uncertain Times — Day Two: Seeking Reliable Ground

Take a moment to pause and check-in with yourself.

“The bad news is you’re falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is, there’s no ground.” — Chögyam Trungpa

I’ve spent a lot of time in this life seeking reliable ground — something solid and steady to stand on, return to or at least reference in the distance. Although I have never skydived, I’ve had enough similar experiences, such as scuba diving at the beginning or end of a high waves dive and any number of high-uncertainty business moments, to know what it feels like about to drop off the edge, or not be able to get back to a steady-state place. The way I’ve experienced it, grasping for “ground” and resisting or denying the “falling” are two major anxiety triggers.

A few questions to reflect on:

  • What are my anxiety triggers?
  • How do I experience or work with uncertainty? Vulnerability? Lack of control? The pressure of being the one who is supposed to be the source of stability in my organization?
  • What could Trungpa be talking about in the quote above?

Missed Day One of this series? Find it here. Continue on to Day Three here…



Marty Janowitz ACC
Reboot: Better Humans Make Better Leaders & Better Leaders Create Humane Workplaces.

Reboot Coach and Facilitator, meditation and mindfulness teacher, kindness, clarity, and social /business transformation are my passions.