Christopher Burns via Unplash

The Gift of Listening

…there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do —
determined to save
the only life you could save.”

— Mary Oliver

After 95 episodes of the Reboot Podcast, and a few extras thrown in there along the way, we realized we have had a lot of amazing conversations with entrepreneurs in the past four and a half years. As we poured over all the conversations we’ve had, we wondered how we could organize the podcasts for those just starting to listen in. We’ve pulled together a listening guide that puts each episode (and some extras) into the following topical categories:

  • Leadership, Development, & Community
  • Major Transitions & Connecting to Purpose
  • Fear & Failure
  • Mindfulness & Meditation
  • Communication, Conflict Management, & Scaling
  • Anxiety, Mental Health, Depression, & Burnout
  • Venture Capital, Boards, & Raising Funds
  • Confidence, Believing in Yourself, & Imposter Syndrome
  • Shadow & Superpower
  • Partnerships & Co-founder Conflict
  • Resiliency & Radical Self-Inquiry

We’ve even added a bunch of additional resources such as our self-guided courses (all free) and supplemental readings that pair well with the podcast discussions. We hope this is a useful tool for you — -and perhaps colleagues, friends, family, or anyone you know who’s wondering about the intersection of work and meaning, life and purpose.

The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership. On the show, Entrepreneurs, CEO’s, and Startup Leaders discuss with Jerry Colonna the emotional and psychological challenges they face daily as leaders.

