Reboot Your Work Day 4: Compassion

Reboot Your Work
Published in
1 min readAug 4, 2016

Reboot your work is a ten-day course from Sharon Salzberg and Reboot based on Sharon’s New York Times Bestseller, Real Happiness at Work. The course guides participants in building mindfulness practices to increase contentment, efficiency and effectiveness in their work. This writing prompt is for course participants interested in participating in a group discussion. You can sign up for this complimentary course here.

What are your associations with the idea of compassion? Do you see opportunities to be more compassionate with others, and with yourself, at work?

To join our discussion, write your response in the field below and publish. Be sure to tag your response with rebootyourwork.



Reboot Your Work

In work is the possibility of the full realization of human potential. Work does not have to destroy us. Work can be the way we achieve our fullest self.