What is #RebootTheRock ?

Joe Teo
Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2018
St.John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador

It will take at least 10 years for tech to be considered a mainstream career path in NL.

This means that our actions today will have an effect on what this outcome looks like.

The big challenge that we want to first overcome is the exposure of tech to the mainstream public.

To succeed, more so than founder stories, we need stories of people in tech that made the leap into tech from mainstream career paths.

Startups need to allude to this movement, that any success is not just an individual company success but an ecosystem success as a whole.

We need to normalize tech as a viable career path that Newfoundlanders will consider.

Exposure will be a leading indicator of success with the percentage of population choosing tech as the lagging measure.

To achieve this, we will combine offline events + online knowledge sharing

1) Create a medium publication called #RebootTheRock that anyone in tech and who shares a passion for Newfoundland can write under.
2) Have a RebootTheRock physical event once a month to share lessons learned.

#RebootTheRock is a collective of individuals in tech, sharing their stories and lessons learned along the way.

All united by their passion for technology and Newfoundland.

We are looking for people in tech who shares a passion for technology and Newfoundland to share your stories through writing under RebootTheRock.

If you’re interested please get in touch!




Joe Teo

CEO and Co-Founder of @HeyOrca | Writing about startup and agency insights.