Framing a New Value Proposition for Pandas in 2 weeks.

It’s no secret that a winning value proposition is critical for marketing, sales, and, well, about a hundred more things! To get it right, a number of factors must be carefully considered, and the company’s strategy precisely outlined.

Louiza Kallia
6 min readJul 8, 2022


So, what happens when a tech startup, that’s on a mission to solve real-world problems, decides to rethink what it’s here to do? From a solid pitch deck and brand identity to strong customer and partner relationships, everything must be masterfully brought together under a common denominator: its value proposition.

In light of that, we joined forces with Pandas, the tech re-commerce startup that enables users to trade in smartphones in just 3 minutes (thanks to machine learning and AI-based technologies 🦾). Formerly known as “Green Panda,” they realized it was time for a BIG change. Next thing, we’re working as one team to reshape their proposition and brand identity.

Let’s zoom in…

The starting point: from insights to rebranding

First off, we were intrigued to learn all the specifics on how smartphone trade-ins can contribute to lower CO2 emissions and even help towards bridging the digital divide. Indeed, access to the latest technology isn’t granted to everyone on this planet. Pandas know this all too well.

But here’s the thing:

Was the real monetary, social and eco value of trade-in effectively coming across to customers, and, equally important, was it winning over the right partners?

Together with the team, we identified key stakeholders and discussed the true potential of Pandas’ offering. Through rigorous scoping exercises, we agreed on the brand’s positioning toward consumers and partners. Now, this delicate balance was to be translated into the new brand.

The Pandas Team was more eager than ever to:

Reach out to new markets and partners, following new directions and investment opportunities.

Shift their audience’s perception of the brand, create awareness, and connect with people on a whole new level.

The soul: bridging business with creative solutions

What an incredible case this was! We were faced with the exciting challenge to combine strategic and creative thinking to help drive the business forward.

Being design thinkers at heart, we started out with an intense 2-day workshop where we identified brand values and purpose. On top of that, we brainstormed on some key messages and taglines, changed the name, and even began talking about color palettes and visual approaches — phew!

You see, that’s just the nature of sprints: it’s incredible how productive everyone gets when guided by the right methodology and under the clock. This was how we were able to conceptualize and build a new brand so fast (within 2 weeks to be exact)!

Needless to say, when minds come together in a positive and well-structured format, great things are bound to happen 🙌

The craft: Shaping the road ahead

Simplicity and streamlined processes are instilled in the Pandas brand. As a result, we created an identity that communicates exactly what the brand is, does, and offers without jargon. Snappy story and pitch, check.

Authentic, bold, and simple language is at the core of the brand’s new tone of voice, aiming to educate the audience about the process and benefits of trade-in while remaining friendly and approachable.

We’re revolutionizing the second-hand tech market.

Because we rebel against the long process of trade-in, turning it into a 3’ experience.

The Pandas brand now signals that there’s so much more to it than “Green”. It’s a movement, a community, a force of change that helps bring more people closer to the latest technology, acknowledging and rewarding them for doing good to the planet and others.

We wanted to showcase the win-win aspect of trade-in and how people can easily save money off their used tech while doing a much greater good: helping bridge the technology gap and contribute toward a more sustainable planet. Definitely some feel-good vibes in that!

Even though sustainability remains part of the brand’s DNA, the audience is now becoming more aware of the monetary benefit they receive directly by trading in a device. It really is as simple as 1–2–3, just like the brand’s new tagline:

Trade in. Save money. Do good.

Fresh, urban, and sleek was what our client was going for, and that’s exactly what’s reflected in the brand’s new logo. It’s identifiable, modern, and intriguing, symbolizing the circularity of the trade-in process both subtly and cleverly.

Through custom illustrations, symbols, badges, and appealing typography Pandas is a brand that builds trust through clear messaging and visuals.

Plus, to give the team a head start on some of the materials they would need leading up to the big launch we also drafted a manifesto, a founding story, and various other texts for their website and products.

Apart from the brand work we did, we also redesigned the company’s pitch deck to make sure it’s heart and eyeball-gripping, packed with just the right amount of juicy info and facts.

The effect: New brand ready to launch 🚀

Ah, the best part…

After the sprinting, comes the launching. This is when the brand book and all other materials come together as the entire team prepares for the big day. Aaand liftooooff!! Just like that, Pandas were ready for the world!

Main takeaways:

We delivered a value proposition and brand personality that encompass what the company stands for and where it is pivoting towards.

We uncovered different associations with the brand and worked them into relevant messages and visuals that crossover to new markets and speak to prospective partners, consumers, and investors.

We went beyond quick fixes and visual touchups; we immersed ourselves in the company’s direction and sought to deeply understand where it is and where it can go, offering targeted advice along the way.

Finally, we always treat every brand as a “living being”, since it is constantly growing, evolving, and adapting. This is why we maintain an open communication channel with our clients and answer questions as they arise leading up to the launch of the new brand. And after that? Well, we may “swing by” your inbox with a random freebie or a quick piece of advice just because we felt like it 😉

On that note, looking back on this case, we like to remember it as an enticing experience with immensely fruitful results. But above all, to have worked with such a talented, visionary team was not only ultra-rewarding but also extremely enlightening and, honestly, fun!

Next step for Pandas: To become the go-to platform for refurbished trade-ins by driving innovation and fostering partnerships that make a difference.

P.S. Pandas, you are an awesome team with unique minds and technologies. We love how you rock “the new you”, making waves in the world of trade in 🤘

Thirsty for more design-led artistry? Check out our Behance Case Study.

If you are considering rebranding, we do not advise doing it just for the sake of it. However, there are a few signs that can mean the time is right to rethink your strategy and/or rebrand. Curious? Let’s talk.

