Exploring Anna’s Wardrobe — Anna Waszak shares insights into her second-hand clothing journey!

Jamie Lawrence
rebuy recommerce
4 min readOct 17, 2023


First things first, who is Anna? Anna has been with rebuy for 2 years, supporting our Poznań location. We started off our interview with the basics as a little warm-up before we spilt all of Anna’s second-hand secrets ;)

Anna, what exactly are your job responsibilities?

This might seem like a simple question, but it is not. Generally speaking, my responsibilities include the administrative part of HR and social media management. One day, I’m recording TikTok videos with employees, the next day I’m setting up the office, and the next day I’m in charge of organizing Halloween with a break for paperwork. What will I be doing tomorrow? Sometimes I’m afraid to find out.

What attracted you to join rebuy?

Like many of our employees, I joined based on a recommendation program. My friend recommended me to work at rebuy ;) And here I am!

Word has it, you’re a passionate sustainability-driven rebuyer. Can you tell me more about these rumours?

Yes, I try to buy in second-hand stores because for me it’s not only a way to find unique clothes, but also a way to support sustainable development. It’s fantastic that we can give good quality products a second life and at the same time reduce the impact of our purchases on the environment. Moreover, second-hand products are often of good quality and their prices are low.

You’ve been deemed to be a “Master of second-hand clothing”, can you share more about what led you to this point where you learned of the importance of second-hand clothing?

I started buying second-hand clothes during college when the budget was tighter. My friends and I were infected with this habit and together with them, I went shopping, looking for unique clothes both for ourselves and for each other. Our university was close to the district with the most second-hand shops so it was easy. This habit has stayed with me to this day, and I still practice it in Poznań with friends and in my hometown with my sister, where it is less popular and you can find even nicer clothes. And now I know that my purchasing choices help reduce the impact of the clothing industry on the environment, which is very important to me. I also don’t throw away clothes I no longer wear. I sell them on the Vinted platform. Sometimes I change them into something else. There are many solutions to not waste them.

It’s great that you have taken these steps in your personal life! Have you ever educated anyone around you about the importance of second-hand clothing?

Yes of course. I have told many friends and my family about the importance of second-hand clothes. Together with the friends I met thanks to rebuy, we often go shopping at second-hand stores and share ideas on how to enjoy fashion in a more sustainable way. It’s a great opportunity to inspire each other and promote eco-friendly fashion choices.

Do you have any tips and tricks about how others can get on board with this lifestyle?

Of course! I can recommend visiting second-hand shops in your area. Sometimes the smallest ones are the best. Also browse online platforms such as Vinted, which offers a wide selection of used clothing and more. Buy wisely. Before you buy something, think about whether you really need this item and how often you will wear it. Focus on buying quality clothes that will last. And be patient. Finding the perfect used clothes may take time and several trips to stores. Patience is key.

In your opinion, what are the pro’s and con’s about second-hand clothing?

One of the main advantages is that used clothes are much cheaper than new ones. Many of the clothes you can find there are made of higher quality materials and have a better finish than some new ones. Plus, they are unique and the exploration can be fun and rewarding.

Finding a hidden treasure in a second-hand store is an amazing feeling. An important advantage is that buying used clothing helps reduce the need for new clothing production, which is more environmentally friendly. This can also help reduce textile waste. And we know perfectly well how harmful the clothing industry is.

Minuses? There aren’t!

Well, maybe a few small ones: Purchasing a specific product takes time and it is more difficult to find the right size. And unlike new clothes, used ones have no warranty, which means they may have hidden flaws that we won’t immediately notice.

Thank you for your time, Anna! If you have any final words of advice to share with our readers, we are all ears!

The choice between used and new clothing depends on a person’s preferences and values. But even small changes in shopping habits can contribute to more sustainable and environmentally friendly fashion. You can find balance by combining both types of clothes in your wardrobe. And that’s what I do. Thanks!

Thank you Anna for letting us explore your wardrobe of second-hand clothes!

