Get to know Norman — Insights into rebuy’s Customer Tech Team

Sophie Lenhardt
rebuy recommerce
3 min readJul 6, 2022


Hi, I’m Norman.

I joined rebuy’s Customer Tech Team in January 2022 as a Frontend Developer. Our Team is a great mix of competent, reliable and committed Software Engineers. With an abundance of projects, tools and code, we work on the front- and backend services that deliver our interface to our customers. Our achievements naturally show on our website:

Let me ask you, what motivated you to join rebuy?

In times of a growing climate crisis, it is important to think about what you can do yourself to protect the environment and our planet. I didn’t just want to look for solutions privately, but to find an employer who is actively working on alternatives to mitigate climate change.

What does your mom think you do all day?

My mother thinks that I talk to computers to help other people with their daily problems. Ok, all kidding aside. She knows that I help other people by developing software for them that helps them sell or buy used electrical goods fairly.

What surprised you most when you started here?

What surprised me most was the high standard of work here at rebuy. As someone who was able to gain work experience during my studies, I was very taken with how the work is done here. Everyone supports everyone in gaining new knowledge and is willing to give constructive feedback. This made it easy for me to get used to working at rebuy.

Can you tell me about a challenge you faced at rebuy and how you overcame it?

As someone who has just finished his studies, it was not easy at the beginning to write quality code directly and to adapt to the quality standard. Through the help of my co-workers, I was made aware of exciting and useful tools and resources that helped me quickly expand my skills.

How do you see your work impacting the company’s mission?

I help to implement the vision of our websites in a structured and clear way. This makes it easier for our customers to find their way around and thus return their products to the cycle more quickly.

What’s the proudest moment you’ve had here?

We implemented a packing assistant that helps customers pack their electrical goods for sale. While testing the first versions, we collected feedback from customers. One of the customers wrote: “Thanks for the great support. Clear and helpful!”. It made me very proud that the work and effort we put in turned into such positive feedback.

Describe the type of person that would enjoy working in your team at rebuy.

In my team, members are open and appreciate an equal exchange of ideas. Together we try to support each other and help where we can. Everyone benefits from the strengths of other team members. We also try to talk regularly not only about work but about our lives in general and organize regular meetings to strengthen the social aspect of the team. If you want to work in a team of reliable, open and friendly people, you will feel at home with us.

Describe the type of person that would not enjoy working at rebuy.

If you are less interested in equal opportunities for all or an open company policy, you would not be the right person for rebuy. We strive for a company culture where everyone who wants to work, can. If you are a person who only works on your own goals or does not believe in the strength of the team, you should not apply.

What are the things you enjoy most about working at rebuy?

What I appreciate most is working with my colleagues at rebuy. Everyone is helpful and tries to support you in your development. Mistakes are not viewed negatively at rebuy, but as an opportunity to learn. Constructive feedback is given in reviews so that you not only know what went wrong, but also why. As a newcomer, I was able to settle in quite quickly and contribute to the big picture.

Thank you so much Norman for your time and insights about rebuy.


