Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape: Insights from rebuy’s Head of CRM, Rena Smidt

Jamie Lawrence
rebuy recommerce
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2023


This week we dive into the world of Marketing with Rena! We explored the world of CRM, how Rena stays up to date with the latest in digital marketing, and how she has been finding her time here at rebuy.

How long have you worked at rebuy?

I’ve been with rebuy for two years now.

In the time you have worked with rebuy, what have you valued most about the company? Is there anything that sets rebuy apart from other organisations?

The thing I’ve valued most is the friendly and helpful people. It’s almost surreal in the beginning. Additionally, rebuy’s genuine commitment to doing something good for the environment truly sets it apart.

Have you taken advantage of our learning and development benefits with Udemy or Lepaya? If yes, what course did you decide to take and why?

Yes, I’ve utilized the learning and development benefits. I enrolled in courses related to project management, hiring great talents, and gaining a deeper understanding of rebuy’s business model. These courses align with my role and help me contribute effectively.

Do you ever work from the office? If so, what do you enjoy most about the office environment?

Yes, I do work from the office. What I enjoy most is the ability to quickly check in with people in a highly effective manner. It’s a great space to learn new things and have conversations with colleagues I might not interact with as much remotely.

Can you provide an overview of your role and responsibilities within the marketing and brand team? How do you contribute to the company's overall marketing strategy and brand development?

As the Head of CRM, my role revolves around crafting the CRM and campaign strategy to establish a loyal customer base. This involves sending emails, managing pushes, pioneering personalization and automation, and shaping rebuys (sales) campaign marketing strategies. I lead a team responsible for development, analytics, marketing management, and CRM.

What attracted you to join the marketing and brand team at this company?

The interview process revealed a strong match between my skills and the company’s needs. The two-sided interview conversations highlighted a mutual alignment of values and goals, which made joining the marketing and brand team at rebuy an exciting prospect.

How do you develop a comprehensive marketing plan that integrates various channels and tactics? How do you measure the effectiveness of these strategies?

The key lies in our well-defined processes. We engage in quarterly planning, guided by a set of rules that steer us towards a well-structured plan. Kick-off meetings, regular stand-ups, clear JIRA briefings, and task updates keep us on track. Measuring effectiveness involves tracking various metrics tied to our goals.

What digital marketing strategies and tools do you find most effective in reaching and engaging the target audience? How do you stay updated with the latest trends in the digital marketing landscape?

Staying updated is vital in the digital landscape. I attend expert roundtables and conferences multiple times a year to tap into the latest trends. As for strategies, personalization and automation have been particularly effective in engaging our target audience. These strategies help us connect with customers on a more meaningful level.

Rena has been an asset to rebuy for the last 2 years, and we look forward to what’s in store for the upcoming years together! Thank you for your time and valuable insights, Rena!

