[文獻] Hong Kong Time Bomb(1984):大一統虛實,請問見證人

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5 min readOct 24, 2017

1980年代,英反共作家Peter Dally批評統一統戰都是利用國際形勢行騙,又指若北京顧全大局應投向三民主義(註:作者對國民黨推崇備至)。正如當年蘇聯入聯合國,很多人以為會越來越開放民主,實則只擴張勢力,就算有選舉作弊。真心擁戴統一者可向達賴喇嘛查詢。

鏗鏘集 九七倒數:如夢初醒(1996年8月11日)

Peter Dally(1984) Hong Kong Time Bomb, p.28–31:

The Chinese, as already explained, believe in the unity of China. It is all too often overlooked that when the Chinese Communists 'repossessed Tibet as being 'part of China', the ROC supported the basis for this claim. It is also interesting to note that Beijing promised Tibet internal autonomy to maintain its own unique system. This promise has been cynically broken at great cost to life and Human Rights. Something which should be remembered by those who would 'trust' the Chinese Communists to leave Hong Kong alone...In an attempt to re-glue the fractured national spirit, the Beijing leadership is using such issues as Taiwan, Hong Kong and the remembered Soviet insults of the 1950's. These are being given more prominence and priority.Beijing knows that both Westminster and Washington are worried about the Soviet threat to Europe, and the perceived Soviet threat throughout the world. They believe that they can use Taiwan and Hong Kong to their own advantage in a complicated political chess game called peaceful reunification.If this was a genuine move, as the West should understand it, the Beijing leadership would admit that Marxism-Leninism has failed. Pointing to the success of the ROC on Taiwan, Beijing would embrace the true Chinese Revolution of Dr Sun Yat-sen, and accept that the Government in Taipei is the true Government of China. If they did this, there would be no problem for Hong Kong, political or economic, because Dr Sun had made it quite clear that Marxism could not and would not succeed in China. This is why he evolved his own Chinese radicalism in the form of The Three Principles of the People.The Chinese Communists of course will not and cannot do anything of the sort. To imagine that they will do so voluntarily is as foolish as it was to believe 40 years ago, that because the Soviet Union, joined in founding the United Nations and signed the UN Convention of Human Rights, it would therefore become, in some mysterious way, a liberal democratic state... It achieved nothing of course, except to consolidate the Soviet grip on Eastern Europe with Western consent. So it is with Moscow. So it is with Beijing. A Communist is a Communist is a Communist.There is much talk of 'uniting' Communist China with Taiwan (and of course repossessing Hong Kong)…‘...why is it called patriotic United Front? There were considerations to make it instrumental to the enlargement of unity. The higher we hold the patriotic banner, the more people we will be able to unite with, including those who approve unification of the motherland but disapprove the socialist (Communist) system...'The suggestion of a kind of coalition between the Communist Party and the Kuomintang is a classic Communist ploy which will be well recognized in Europe, where it was used to bring about the total supremacy of the Communist party. The Communists usually made their final strike just before critical elections at which they would have clearly lost in a free vote...The people of Hong Kong and any members of the British Government who really believe that the Beijing Communists can be trusted to keep any agreement, should talk to the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader and find out just how Beijing treated Tibet and implemented the Tibetan formula. The Dalai-lama is still being offered a 'fresh start', on Communist terms of course.
鏗鏘集 九七倒數:如夢初醒(1996年8月11日)


There is, of course, one development which could, and some predict will, come to the rescue of the people of Hong Kong, regardless of what the British Government does. This is the collapse of the Chinese Communist regime, and the restoration of the legitimate government in Beijing.Clearly such a possibility is no excuse for Britain to abandon its responsibilities to the British citizens of the colony, or to the refugees who have fled from Communist China. There has however, been an interesting development.On Sunday 11 March 1984, the London BBC Radio Four religious affairs programme quoted the exiled Tibetan spiritual and temporal leader, the Dalai Lama, as stating that his people in Tibet were forecasting the collapse of the Beijing regime 'within 15 years'. He was commenting on Chinese Communist invitations to return to Tibet, and their promises that he would not be molested in any way. He has declined to return, because neither he or his people in Tibet trust the Communists. They suspect that he will be 'kept prisoner in Beijing on some pretext', and thus isolated from his people.The Tibetan experience is a clear warning to the British Government and the people of Hong Kong of what to expect from Beijing. Under an 'Agreement on measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet', which the Tibetans were obliged to sign, as with the British in Hong Kong, Beijing threatened 'unilateral action' if no agreement was reached, the Tibetan people 'have the right to exercise nationality region autonomy' under Beijing and 'no attempt will be made to alter the existing political system in Tibet', and Beijing 'will not force various reform programmes on Tibet', and 'Officials associated with imperialism and Kuomintang in the past may continue on in their jobs without fear of persecution ... provided they sever ties with imperialism and Kuomintang and do not engage in sabotage and resistance.'We all know, and should not forget, what subsequently happened. The Chinese Communists ignored the agreement, accusing anyone who disagreed with them of being either 'Imperialists' or 'Kuomintang saboteurs'. They proceeded with the utmost ruthlessness to put down the rising and resistance which they provoked, forcing the Dalai Lama literally to flee for his life into India while Communist troops hunted for him. Beijing, clearly believing that he had been killed, announced that he was in fact cooperating with the Communist authorities in restoring order.So it was that on the 25th anniversary of his dramatic escape, he refused to return, and announced the expectation of the downfall of the Chinese Communist regime in Beijing.It is clear that the Chinese Communists cannot be trusted. They are unable, also, to tolerate anything which they may call 'imperialism' or 'sabotage' or 'spiritual pollution', but which we would call 'honouring agreements', 'conducting normal business' and 'exercising democratic Human Rights' .It is equally clear that as the Beijing regime becomes increasingly unstable as the Communist ideology stifles the economy, and the Communists argue and fight amongst themselves about who is to blame, and how matters are to be put right without renouncing their ideology, it is looking for ways to sustain itself from Tibet to Taiwan, including Hong Kong.The Chinese Communists are trying to square the circle. They need the foreign exchange which they earn through the capitalist system in Hong Kong. They cannot afford however, to acknowledge that Communism cannot provide for the spiritual and material needs of the Chinese people, whose aspirations and expectations are rising, as information seeps through the Communist censorship about life in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Hong Kong Time Bomb, p.62-63.


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