[文獻] 柯利達、戴卓爾、李後憶述1983年密函前後談判部署

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17 min readMay 5, 2018





Percy Cradock(1994) Experience of China, 183–186:

There were three main phases: first, the struggle to get into talks at all, which lasted from October 1982 until July 1983; then the fight to retain British administration, from July to October 1983; finally the stage of conditionality, that is the detailed examination and improvement of the Chinese proposals, on the understanding that, if we could make them satisfactory, we would be prepared to commend the result to Parliament. This final and most intensive stage of negotiation occupied us for the last year and culminated in the initialling of the agreement, the Joint Declaration, in September 1984. After that there was a period in October when Hong Kong opinion was tested on the question whether the product was acceptable. Finally, the Joint Declaration was signed in December 1984.Phase one, the approach to negotiation, was an extended Kafkaesque episode, in which we wrestled with the Chinese demand that we begin by accepting their precondition, in effect that we should give the game away before we ever got on to the pitch. I made a series of calls at the Foreign Ministry, pressing for an early opening of the talks our leaders had decided on, to be consistently told that we had only to accept the premise and the path would be smooth; otherwise, there would be, to put it mildly, ‘difficulties’. The Chinese showed no interest in discussing practical details of the talks, or any supplementary matters. We were confronted with a large issue of principle, which we could not in any circumstances accept and which for long proved impossible to circumvent.My interlocutor in the first weeks was Zhang Wenjin, the Vice Foreign Minister for Western Europe. He was an old friend…His replacement, Yao Guang, came from a different background. He was an administrator, a solid Party man with links to Zhao Ziyang…We had long and exhausting arguments about the premise, in which I would offer him a prize for any word about preconditions he could find in the joint statement. It was a debating point and gave me some private satisfaction; but, as usual with the Chinese, it did not affect the response. Their statements were opaque but stubborn…


The situation in those early days, as we pressed and the Chinese stalled, was both frustrating and worrying. Time was passing and we were now aware there was a deadline. There were also reports of a preliminary Chinese announcement to be made in June. Though we had agreed that the talks were to be kept secret, Chinese leaks and statements in Hong Kong were proceeding apace. Our lips were sealed; in any case we did not want to get into a public argument, which would only have the effect of carving the Chinese position in stone. In November, Liao Chengzhi, the head of the Hong Kong and Macao Office, receiving a Hong Kong delegation, produced the seductive slogan, ‘Gang ren zhi gang’ (‘Hong Kong people running Hong Kong’), as the mark of the post-1997 era. It had considerable international appeal, with its suggestion that Hong Kong would be liberated from the colonialists and become virtually independent.These further elaborations of the Chinese plan reminded me of the weakness of our position and the danger that we could be locked out of meaningful discussion, while Hong Kong’s fate was decided, and promulgated, in Peking.


In the end we overcame this first major obstacle by a small adjustment in the language about sovereignty. Mrs Thatcher had originally spoken of being ready in certain circumstances to ‘consider’ making recommendations to Parliament on sovereignty. Tony Galsworthy, my extremely able Head of Chancery, and I together evolved the idea that we might strengthen that clause, making it: ‘would be prepared to recommend to Parliament’. We were now stressing to the Chinese that sovereignty was not in the government’s gift; it could only be surrendered by Parliament. The whole offer would of course be subject to the condition that suitable administrative arrangements for Hong Kong could be worked out. I carried the proposal back with me to a meeting with the Prime Minister in London in March 1983.It was as well I did so. Some explosive ideas were being canvassed in the frustration of the time: a public statement by the Prime Minister; a UN-supervised referendum for Hong Kong; bringing the ceded territories, Hong Kong Island and a portion of Kowloon, nearer independence. At one of our meetings Michael Heseltine, then Minister of Defence, was called in.But the Prime Minister was eventually persuaded to delay, if not abandon, these more dramatic moves and to try the effect of a personal message along the lines I proposed. I returned to Peking with it. She made plain to me, however, that this was her last word, a point I was happy to convey, since it added force to the letter I carried.


The letter did the trick. I called it the first finesse. We had given nothing substantial away. But the Chinese are good at reading between the lines; indeed, their most important reading has to be done in just that way. They saw in the change of wording, slight though it was, a sign of the British government’s readiness to move towards a transfer of sovereignty and thereby to make a nod in the direction of their premise, if not a full obeisance. Of course, they sought to present it as an outright acceptance and I had constantly to remind them of its highly conditional nature; but even then they did not draw back. Slowly we were able to move on to settling the agenda, the composition of the delegations, the place and timing of the first formal meeting. The Prime Minister commented that we were treading on eggshells; true, but we were at last inching forward.



撒切爾[戴卓爾]夫人訪華以後, 中國副外長和英國駐華大使從一九八二年十月初到一九八三年二月上旬就香港問題進行了五次磋商。英方在磋商中強調,撒切爾夫人訪華期間,英中兩國領導人就維持香港的繁榮與穩定這一共同目標而進行商談達成協議。因此,會談應以雙方領導人達成的維持香港的繁榮和穩定的共同目的為指導原則。中方則表示,中國領導人很關心香港的繁榮和穩定,但關於香港問題,首先是恢復行使主權問題。我們是在中國對香港恢復行使主權這個前提下說香港的繁榮與穩定的。因此,會談首先要解決這個前提。前提解決了,其他問題就好談。中英官員最初的五次磋商,就這樣,英方強調以繁榮穩定為共同目標,中方強調以恢復行使香港主權為前提,雙方互不咬弦,形成了「頂牛」狀態。一九八三年三月十日,英國首相撒切爾夫人致函中國總理,說,根據憲法,她作為首相無權單獨採取行動同意轉移主權;只有議會才有權做出決定。她說過在一定的情況下,她準備考慮就主權問題向議會提出建議。也許她加強這個保證是有益處的。只要英國政府和中國政府之間能夠就香港的行政管理安排達成協議,而這些安排能保證香港今後的繁榮和穩定,又能既為中國政府,也為英國議會和香港人民所接受,她就準備向議會建議,使整個香港的主權回歸中國。撒切爾夫人希望中方能同意在下個月內開始舉行實質性的會談。四月二十八日,趙紫陽覆信給撒切爾夫人。覆信在重申了中國政府對香港問題的立場和方針政策之後,表示,「中國政府同意盡快地正式談判,本著維持香港繁榮穩定的共同目的,就移交主權的方式以及從現在到一九九七年的過渡時期和一九九七年以後中英如何協作的有關問題開始實質性的討論。」從五月下旬開始,雙方就會談的其體安排交換意見。經過磋商,雙方於六月底就香港問題下一階段實質性會談的議程達成如下協議:雙方同意在會談過程中,與香港未來有關的各項問題均應討論。特別是中國總理和英國首相信中提到的所有問題。這些問題包括:一九九七年後為維持香港的穩定和繁榮而作的安排,從現在到一九九七年期間香港的安排和有關主權移交的事項。討論按此順序進行。中方首席談判代表為外交部副部長姚廣;英方首席談判代表為英駐華大使柯利達。


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