
Published in
27 min readMar 27, 2022

美國前國務卿奧爾布賴特(Madeleine Albright)逝世,她在克林頓總統第二任期出任國務卿,期間幾次接待港府高層與民主派代表李柱銘,肯定香港在中美兩國打破貿易人權障礙攜手發大財過程的橋樑角色。有傳當年她參與主權移交典禮,更曾被特首董建華形容為「八國聯軍」。


1. 美國最早獲邀觀禮




當時英方已就臨時立法會與人權議題跟中方周旋到尾聲,2月17日《南華早報》頭版說英方承認敗陣,外相聶偉敬(Malcolm Rifkind)揚言一直為港發聲,但對中方另建臨立會及削弱人權法俱無力挽。





[圖:AP Archive]

那邊廂,英國大選變天,保守黨兵敗如山倒,工黨領袖貝理雅(Tony Blair)接替馬卓安(John Major)出任首相。前中國駐英大使憶述,貝理雅政府對港立場更趨軟化,說要破除障礙使香港重新扮演中英橋樑角色。

解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)

解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日):

馬振崗(前駐英大使):「5月12日,外交大臣郭偉邦[Robin Cook]會見我時談到中英較大的問題是臨時立法會的問題,郭偉邦說在這問題上我們還是有不同意見的,但既然事情已經如此,我們準備順從現實。這句話給我的印象是,英國工黨政府在對香港問題上可能立場有所鬆動,或有所轉變,他們不準備糾纏了。」
解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)
解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)
解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)
解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)
解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)
解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)


2. 中方植入臨立會宣誓


據傳媒報道,先是中方在主權移交典禮安排上打算「有風駛盡艃」,在主權交接儀式後,特區政府就職與臨立會議員宣誓綑綁式進行,迫使各國嘉賓做證,為其解散立法局及成立臨立會騙取國際認可。李柱銘特別助理Mary Stuart Worden形容此舉令各國領袖變人質;《華盛頓郵報》描述一直對臨立會有保留的英美陷入兩難;《南華早報》轉引《泰晤士報》更指英方震怒。

Washington Post(1997–6–7):

China has plans to use the all-night June 30 ceremonies in which it takes control of Hong Kong from Britain as a chance to swear in its controversial, handpicked legislature before a large audience of international dignitaries.The maneuver, intended to bestow an aura of international approval on the contested body, has created a diplomatic dilemma for the hundreds of visiting officials — including Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright — who would be reluctant to disrupt the historic handover but are opposed to Beijing’s setting up the interim lawmaking body.British Prime Minister Tony Blair has not decided yet whether to attend because he does not want to be in the audience if the ceremonies include the swearing-in of the appointed legislature. China is planning to disband the current, elected legislature because of Beijing’s anger over a democratic reform package put in place by the outgoing British governor, Chris Patten.But British officials are said to be irked that Blair’s position has not received backing from other countries, specifically the United States and Canada. Both will still be sending high-level delegations even with the likelihood that the legislature will be sworn in just after the new chief executive, the shipping tycoon Tung Chee-hwa, takes his oath of office in the early hours of July 1.The fear here is that if the appointed legislature is sworn in with the world’s high-powered dignitaries looking on, the body — which is set to be challenged in Hong Kong courts — will carry a new legitimacy.“It’s just to say it was done in the presence of the representatives of 50 countries,” said Nihal Jayawickrama, a legal scholar at the University of Hong Kong and a frequent commentator on local affairs.For China, he said, the presence of the world’s prime ministers and foreign secretaries “is a glorious opportunity not to be missed.”
Some here are urging the United States, and Albright, to take a clear stand and announce that she will boycott the proceedings if the program includes swearing in the appointed legislature.“It’s unthinkable that she would go to that at all,” said Mary Stuart Worden, a special assistant to the Hong Kong Democratic Party chairman and legislator Martin Lee. “You’ve got world leaders here and you’ve got them literally hostage in their seats.”“We’ve all known for months that the Chinese were going to do this, {to} shove it down their throats if the dignitaries were going to be here,” Worden said. “What you don’t expect is the State Department and Madeleine Albright to waffle on it.”A statement issued today by the U.S. consulate said Albright would attend the handover ceremony to “demonstrate U.S. support of the maintenance of Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy, way of life, and freedoms, as well as U.S. economic, law enforcement, and other interests in Hong Kong.”As of now, Albright is going, whether Blair goes or not, a senior State Department official said in Washington.Another senior official said Albright is “aware of the situation” with the legislature but has not decided what, if anything, to do about it. Albright herself, asked about it at the end of an interview, observed cryptically, “It’s Britain’s party, isn’t it?” She did not elaborate.According to a recently announced schedule of events, the Chinese flag will be raised and the British flag lowered at the stroke of midnight on June 30 at a new extension to Hong Kong’s convention center on picturesque Victoria Harbor with the city’s dramatic skyline as a backdrop. Tung and the provisional legislature will be sworn in at a ceremony about an hour-and-a-half later.It is unclear whether Tung and the legislature would be sworn in together or one after another — meaning that guests could leave in-between. To boycott Tung’s swearing-in might be seen as a mark of disrespect for the new chief executive.One plan was for the appointed body to be sworn in at the domed, colonial legislature building now used by the current, elected panel. But there are fears that the square around the legislative chambers will be occupied on handover night by demonstrators opposed to disbanding the elected legislature, and that protesters might try to disrupt any swearing-in ceremony or prevent the new members from entering the building.


TVB 1997年香港大事回顧
TVB 1997年香港大事回顧

3. 英美表態澄清立場,老董怒斥「八國聯軍」



雖然如此,英美政府亦受一定輿論壓力。在中方綑綁式進逼下,兩國首腦難免要以行動澄清本身立場。早早答應出席香港主權交接儀式,又未被正式邀請參與特區政府成立典禮的美國國務卿就先此聲明說,即使請也不去 “I have decided that if invited, I personally would not attend. It is important for us to make clear that we do not endorse what they are doing.”[參下圖SCMP(1997–6–12)];至於英方,在促請中方放棄綑綁式安排不果後,首相及外交部也婉轉表示不會參與見證臨立會議員宣誓。








4. 兵分兩路迴轉外交,大事化小平穩過渡



實務安排上,英美都採取兵分兩路策略,既表態不滿臨立會,又保持與港方工作關係。英方在維持首相「退場」安排下,指派中英聯合聯絡小組首席代表戴維斯(Hugh Davies)與候任駐港領事鄺富劭(Francis Cornish)出席宣誓儀式;美方則由駐港總領事包潤石(Richard Boucher)出席。



[圖:AP Archive ]


U.S. Department of State Archive:

Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright
Press Briefing, J.W. Marriott Hotel
Hong Kong, June 29, 1997...
QUESTION: Do you think that Martin Lee’s objections to the decision to have Mr. Boucher[包潤石] represent the United States at the second swearing-in have any validity?SECRETARY ALBRIGHT: I think that we all have our priorities and the U.S. has two, basically. One, President Clinton really wanted me to come here and deliver a powerful political message by saying that we supported the way of life of Hong Kong and democracy, and the rule of law, and free markets, and by my not going to the swearing-in I believe that Mr. Blair and I are sending a powerful political message.But we also have another priority here and that is that it is essential for us to have to have a working relationship with the authorities of Hong Kong. It is not just the Legislative Council that is being sworn in but the civil service and other parts of the authority structure. There are 40,000 Americans who are in Hong Kong. There are, on average, sixty-five ship visits a year. There is a great deal of need to service the American community here. We determined that it was appropriate to have a working-level representation because the Consul General is going to have to work with the authorities here.QUESTION: You do not think that the power of your original message is at all diluted?SECRETARY ALBRIGHT: I do not think so. I think that it will be very evident that I am not, along with Prime Minister Blair, not going to be at the swearing in...QUESTION: Was the original plan not to send any American delegation to the swearing-in ceremony or was the fact that Richard Boucher was going to go made at the same time that you decided you would not be present?SECRETARY ALBRIGHT: It was made at approximately the same time.QUESTION: Madam Secretary, in your remarks at the reception today you summarized the long list of U.S. interests in Hong Kong itself. Given those interests, where does Hong Kong stand on the list of these multi-facets in the relationship with China? Can you prioritize Hong Kong as against, let us say, human rights, missile sales, Taiwan, whatever?SECRETARY ALBRIGHT: Hong Kong is very high on that list. Preservation of the way of life of Hong Kong is important to the United States because we believe democracy here is very important for its function. It is important because of the cooperation that has taken place in terms of law enforcement. It is important because of the fact that our ships visit, so it has strategic importance to us, and it is important for business reasons. Basically there are a variety of reasons that Hong Kong, per se, is important.






解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)
ATV 97本港大事回顧
ATV 97本港大事回顧
解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)
解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)


ATV 97本港大事回顧
ATV 97本港大事回顧
TVB 1997年香港大事回顧






TVB 1997年香港大事回顧
新聞掏寶 香港回歸時(2021年7月1日)
TVB 1997年香港大事回顧
TVB 1997年香港大事回顧
解密百年香港 回歸大典(2007年8月21日)


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