5 Ways To Use ReCharge and Klaviyo to Drive Subscription Revenue

Natalia Story
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2017

For ReCharge customers, there’s now another great way to provide unique, personalized experiences for your customers — thus driving both engagement and sales. It’s called Klaviyo.

Klaviyo offers a simple, one-click integration with both Shopify and ReCharge that helps you drive sales by using your Shopify and ReCharge data to send automated abandoned cart emails, create personalized product feeds, deliver post-purchase engagement campaigns, run better Facebook ads, and more. These flows are pre-built into the platform — so all you have to do is sign up, turn them on, and watch the results.

You can check out everything Klaviyo can do on their website, but we’ve also talked to Alison Aldrich—Director of Partner Marketing at Klaviyo—and compiled what we think are the top 5 opportunities for ReCharge customers below.

1. Welcome email campaigns

Your job isn’t done just because you’ve gotten a customer to subscribe, because the success of a subscription business ultimately depends on customer retention. And welcome email campaigns (or onboarding campaigns) are one of best tactics to help with this.

More than 74% of new subscribers expect a welcome email immediately after signing up — and those that read at least one welcome message, read more than 40% of their messages from that brand during the following 180 days. On top of that, welcome emails generate four times the open rates as other types of email promotions. They are an integral step in making a strong first impression, engaging with your subscribers, encouraging interaction, and building long-term loyalty.

While ReCharge has some built-in capabilities for welcome emails, what Klaviyo adds is event-based, real-time data filters — as well as powerful segmentation capabilities. That means that if someone becomes a subscriber, but then cancels their subscription, Klaviyo can automatically remove them from your next email send. Or if someone subscribes for a particular product, you can place them in an email campaign for just that product — allowing you to automatically suggest related products or subscriptions they might also like.

2. Abandon cart email campaigns

One of the most frustrating occurrences for any marketer is when a customer starts a checkout, but then for whatever reason, leaves the website. 74% of e-commerce shopping carts are abandoned, but according to a BI Intelligence study, “three-fourths of shoppers who have abandoned shopping carts say they plan to return.” They often just need a little nudge.

According to Alison Aldrich, abandon cart email campaigns are the most effective email campaigns a marketer can send in the e-commerce world. But when it comes to these emails, “it’s crucial to personalize them as much as possible.” At the least, you need to mention the specific product or subscription a customer left in their shopping cart—and you should send these emails no more than four hours after a shopping cart is abandoned.

You can see additional strategies and examples of abandon cart email campaigns on the Klaviyo blog.

3. Upsell email campaigns

In the case of a subscription business, “upsell” could mean a few different things. You might have a simple, $10 subscription — but you’re trying to move those subscribers into a premium $50 subscription. Or maybe you have an online store that offers both one-time purchases and subscriptions, and someone makes a purchase, but chooses not to sign up for automatic refills. So what then? Klaviyo can help you create automated email campaigns for any of these scenarios.

If, for example, someone bought a product from you — such as dog food — that will probably run out in about a month, Klaviyo can place them in an email campaign that will automatically remind them in just under a month that an auto-refill option might help make sure their canine is always taken care of. And the more products you have, the more powerful of a tool Klaviyo becomes, allowing you to automate these campaign flows to always reach your customers about the right product at the right time.

4. Winback email campaigns

A winback email campaign (or re-engagement campaign) is purpose-built for those customers that cancel their subscriptions, and there are a number of versions of this campaign you can create. For example, you could send an immediate follow-up letting recipients know that you offer less frequent shipments or a “skip” option as an alternative to unsubscribing. Or you can send a discount code a week later to try and entice your former subscribers to come back. Keep sending out different types of incentives at different time intervals to see what works best for you—and optimize as you go.

Regardless of when someone cancelled their subscription, you should also send out an email to all your former customers if you’ve released a new product that may be of interest to them and bring them back.

5. Facebook ads

This point has very little to do with email campaigns, but it’s a really cool feature of Klaviyo that we think offers marketers some incredibly valuable opportunities. On top of integrating with ReCharge, Klaviyo also integrates with Facebook. You can, for example, take your “dead leads” (people who have stopped opening your emails or placing orders) — and create a Custom Audience on Facebook to try and reach them there instead. Or you can import a segment of your most valuable customers into Facebook, and then use Facebook’s Lookalike Audiences to find similar people to market to there.

Learn more about Klaviyo’s Facebook integration capabilities and best practices and get started with ReCharge today!



Natalia Story

Natalia is a strategic digital marketer skilled at creating compelling experiences that define brands, engage audiences, and drive business results.