Announcing Recime v2 ✌ Code-Free Chatbot Creation w/ New Customization Options

Vassil Petev
Published in
4 min readNov 2, 2017

Chatbots for non-techies. Chatbots for devs.

Do you feel it? That special kind of feeling that only comes around only a few times per year? That’s right, it’s time for a new release! 👏

Today I am thrilled to announce Recimē 2.0 — a new version of our 🤖 platform, focused on self-service chatbot creation. Also new are features aimed towards full chatbot customization and extensibility.

Recime v2 Is on Product Hunt

If you have a Product Hunt account, please hunt down Recime v2 — it will mean a lot to us! Thanks! 🤙

Here is what’s 🆕

New User Interface for Chatbot Creation

We have been releasing and testing bits of the new UI in the past few weeks and we’ll continue to improve it in the coming days, based on your feedback. The idea behind the new UI is two-fold:

People who are new to chatbots will find it significantly easier to create a chatbot from scratch — we’ve tried to simplify the chatbot workflow and to explain the steps better. In other words, we’ve tried to make it easy for non-techies (like marketers and digital managers) to create a chatbot without digging into the documentation until giving up. We will continue to work on improving the UI — if you have feedback and ideas, please share them in our Slack Group.

The new UI also makes it easy for developers to extend and customize the chatbot to their exact needs by providing them direct access to the necessary tools for the job.

>> Check out the new chatbot interface.

New “Cloud Code” Module

It enables developers to extend existing chatbots with JavaScript (ES6) directly within the interface, yet without provisioning or managing servers. In addition, we not only provision separate stack for each bot, but also create it in nearest AWS data center of that customer. The Recime CLI is also supported. This feature is unique to Recime. ⛅

>> Create a bot. Try “Cloud Code”.

New Chatbot Extensibility Options thru JSON API

Devs now are able to consume data from external sources such a CRM or a CMS or to create server-side integrations by using the JSON API within the Recime Console UI. This allows them to plug in (or feed data from) external tools, such as marketing automation software or a 3rd party analytics solution. This feature is also unique to Recime.

>> Create an account. Use JSON API in your chatbot.

New Reusable Modules

By creating reusable custom modules, developers can reuse code (and ideas!) to customize one or more chatbots. For example, a developer can create a “weather” module, which he can reuse in all of his chatbots to serve weather information. Another module could be checking whether a user has claimed a coupon the chatbot has sent him, and updating the CRM.

Once again, this feature is unique to Recime. 🎰

Viber, AWS and Facebook Partnerships 🤝

We’ve had support for Viber for a few months now, but we are now announcing our partnership publicly. We are also working with Amazon, Facebook and to bring stronger integrations to our platform. Stay tuned for more information.

Improved Website

We’ve also updated our website with a clearer message as to what Recime is, what it does, and how chatbots can help different industries (for example Travel and Online Agencies, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods and Banks and Financial Institutions). We will be adding new pages (and chatbot templates) for other industries in the near future. If you need a chatbot template for your business, please drop us a line.

>> Build A Chatbot on Recime

Send Us Your Feedback 🗣

Would love to hear your feedback (and ideas!) in our Slack Group, especially about the new interface!



Vassil Petev

Product geek, product manager, product marketer. Loves tech, sailing, skiing and DJing.