New Audience Capabilities Added to Smartloop Conversational AI Platform

The Audience feature allows you to segment, nurture and engage your chatbot subscribers on all supported channels (web sites, Messenger and Viber). It is available to all Smartloop users in all plans, including in the free Starter plan.

Vassil Petev
3 min readMar 26, 2019


Marketers and public relations specialists know that audience segmentation is important for better communication. Audience segmentation is the process of dividing an audience into smaller groups, with similar characteristics, wants and needs. The better you can segment your audience, the more relevant message you can send.

We are pleased to announce that we have extended the Smartloop Conversational AI Platform with a new feature:


It is a new section within the Smartloop conversation builder which allows you to keep track of your chatbot subscribers, to review your subscriber list and to identify and segment your audience. It also gives you access to your reachable users, when the user first visited the chatbot and when was the last time they chatted with the conversational agent.

Audience Section in the Smartloop Conversational AI Platform

Filter Your Audience and Save It as Segments

You can create and save custom segments by using the filtering options. The available filtering options are:

By user (as shown in the screenshot below). Here we will show the user information which is provided to us by the channel vendor:

  • Facebook: user ID, Photo, First Name, Last Name, Time zone, Locale, Gender, Reachable
  • Viber: user ID, Photo, First Name, Last Name, Time zone, Locale, Reachable

By variable. Here you see a list of all variables, which have been set in the chatbot.

Filtering an Audience with the Smartloop Conversational AI Platform

Learn more about capturing user input and saving the information as variables in our documentation and in this blog post.

Use Segments in Broadcasts

Once you create your custom segments, they can be used to send broadcasts and push notifications:

Sending Broadcasts with the Smartloop Conversational AI Platform


Audience is available today. It is a free addition to the Smartloop platform, which means that all Smartloop users should see the feature in their bot builders, regardless of whether they are in a free plan or in a paid plan.


Smartloop is a conversational bot platform that helps brands engage with their users, promote new products, share content and promotions. The solution blends chatbot building tools, cross deployment, message broadcasting, analytics and cloud infrastructure in one complete package.

Create your own conversational bot or contact our team to learn more about a solution for your brand.



Vassil Petev

Product geek, product manager, product marketer. Loves tech, sailing, skiing and DJing.