A garden doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, patience, and a lot of positivity to become a pretty one.

What sheltering-in-place taught me

Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2020


Instead of looking at all negatives during this crazy time, let us look at all the positive outcomes.

At the start of this world crisis, I was under a lot of stress worrying about this and that, things that I can’t control and predict. Never in my life, did I ever predict such a thing will happen in my lifetime. It is sure a scary world out there, but instead of looking at it negatively, let us look at all the positive outcomes as a result of this.

Here is what this time has taught me so far. I learn to appreciate little things in life that I usually took for granted during my normal days. I am grateful for being able to work from home. I am grateful to have an obedient dog, two lovely cats, and a supportive partner. I am grateful to have a lovely home to shelter in and keep myself dry and warm during the rainy cold days. I am grateful for a full pantry. I am grateful for the yards that allow me to grow vegetables. Most of all, I am grateful for all the extra time to spend with my family, garden, and kitchen because life is way too short.

We need to take advantage of every second and be appreciative of what we have instead of looking at all the negatives (I am guilty of this). In the end, no matter what happens, it is our actions that define who we are and whether or not we have lived our life to the fullness.

Someone once told me that there are always opportunities out there for us to grab, but it is up to us to see and grab it. Therefore, to take advantage of the great opportunity I now have, I am going to be doing one of my most favorite activities and develop amazing recipes with what is currently in my pantry. Maybe one day, I can be on Chopped, LOL. I hope that these recipes will spark the creative inner chef in you and joy in your heart as well.

What are you grateful for?

